unpopular osc opinions

487 5 15

I know that stuff like this has been said before, but I will still say it because I do what I want.

- being overrated does not suddenly make that character bad.

- creators are not your slaves, don't get angry when they don't do exactly what you want.

- Two is a good character and objectively a better host than Four and I will die on that hill.

- just because you don't like or agree with a ship does not mean that everyone else is inclined to agree with you.

- okay, this goes for pretty much any fandom, but I have seen it happen a lot in the osc. If you like an animation or a drawing of a ship or character, do not comment "I don't like that ship/character but the art/animation is good :)" no one cares.

- the osc is mostly filled with children. Don't get angry when a kid posts some sloppy picture of their favorite character because it isn't good enough, or because they are a child.

- because a young child could be looking at more adult themed art or fanfiction, there should be at least some layer of caution, but if there are warnings put up, it is not the creators fault that the child saw it.

- if people are saying/doing things that you don't like, don't think it's up to them to do what you want or shift their content because you are uncomfortable, just block them.

- you are allowed to have opinions, opinions are not bad, don't try to be like all the others because you are scared of getting attacked.

- if you are not happy in the fandom, leave. You are not forced to do something that you don't want to.

- creators have lives too, expecting them to post every single day/month is a dick thing to do.

- most people follow creators specifically for their content. It is not a personal attack when they don't care about your irl problems.

- this isn't an osc opinion but the word "uncomphy" or however you spell it is weird, did I miss a memo? Is that what people are saying now?

- being a widely liked character does not make them overrated.


Thanks for reading my weird rant, I was bored and this was in my drafts so I decided to post it.

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