Chapter Three

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She opened her bright purple eyes as she knew she could see again. She was dream walking. It is stage one of passing through the Uchawi coves magic. She then saw the blur of a star-path that seems endless. As she started walking, all of her bones ached. Going through the unliving hurts. It always felt like dying. But Star has been here before so she's alright. Although the pain must be killing her, to Star, it never will.

Star felt like she had been walking for ten minutes, but to the others, waiting outside. It had already been three hours.

"I should be going home soon, my kids are going to be home any minute now." Rainbow talked. Patiently waiting. "Don't worry Rainbow, I hired a babysitter."Carrots confirmed. "I sure hope she comes out soon," Elsa shuttered, "I could have taken a nice nap by now."

The pain felt agonizing for Star But her emotionless face kept stalking toward the end of the path. When she reached the end of the path, she was greeted by Lord Bunziking. The ruler of stars and space. But Star never actually met him, he was just in her imagination. In fact, she never met anyone in the unliving realm at all. "Welcome, Star." Bunziking greeted Star, "I see you have come to visit your sister again am I correct?" "Yes, ol' wise one." Star greeted the mighty ruler, "I have come to visit Moonlight."

As Bunziking led the way to Moonlight's palace, Star noticed some changes around the galaxy. "Wow, Bunziking, there have been a lot of changes around here." She said, "Why is the night sky filled with what it looks like... reddish?" "I wish it was not like this, Star, I have something to tell you," Bunziking replied. "What is it, Lord?" Star answered with a stern face. "I've noticed that you and your friends are blabbering about some magic portal?" he confessed, "Yes we have, what is this about?" Star asked. "I know exactly what is in that magic portal, there are creatures that are hunting down innocent bunny-folk and carrying them to their lair!" Bunziking screeched. "What?!" Star yelled.

The six others lay there, it was the break of dawn now, they thought Star would return any moment now. "What are we going to do?" Elsa asked Rainbow. They were the only two ones awake. "I don't know, Elsa what if she never returns!" Rainbow yowled. They kept waiting there as the sun finally set over the trees once again, but Star wasn't there to help set it so the sunset extra slowly. It felt long and time-wasting for the poor six others.

Finally, the moon breaks out as the wind blows on the orange and yellow trees, casting a soothing fan sound that eventually puts both Rainbow and Elsa to sleep.

"So that's what I saw." Bunziking roared. "I have to find Moonlight, now!" Star said as she ran through the endless field of stars.

She found Moonlight as she walked into her palace of brightness which was her element. She saw her sister, standing there in front of her. "Hi, Star!" Moonlight grinned, "I haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?" "Good but I have something to say to you." Star insisted.

The two sisters sat down in Moonlight's palace. "So nice you can see how beautiful my new palace is right?" Moonlight joke bragged. "I rule a kingdom." Star smiled. They both laughed it off until Star started talking again,

"Moonlight, do you know about a magical portal around here somewhere?" Star asked, "Because, Elsa and Mips kingdoms are gossiping about one." "Yep, I saw some magic portal all right." Moonlight confessed, "Would you like to know where it is?" "Sure! I and our friends have been looking for it for a while." Star said. "Ok Star just give me a moment... oh yeah! It was directly in between both kingdoms, where you found the elements." Moonlight insisted, "And if you want to know more information go seek Whitepaw, the Doctor of Rainbow kingdom. Ok?" "Thanks, Moonlight, and I will go find Whitepaw." Star said, "Well I would love to stay here longer and have more tea but I bet my friends are waiting for me right now." Star grinned. "Ok Star see you soon!" Moonlight waved goodbye. As Star began to feel lightheaded. She knew she was waking up by now, so she just let herself go blind again. Her paws levitated off the night sky floor as she blasted magic again at the sky.

Star opened her eyes to see the moon, shining on her and the crystal. Now that it had been from midday to midnight Star could sleep now. So Star closed her grey eyes and fell asleep once again. She woke up to all of her friends while sleeping. Star always got up early to raise the sun. but she was way too tired and everything still ached from being in the unliving realm.

Her horn was overtired as she tried to cast a spell but her horn did not work. She saw the sun begin to rise very slowly, because, without Stars help, all the other star controllers can't lift the sun faster than before.

Star saw that her friends woke up. "Hey Star! You came back." Elsa greeted. "Hey," Star said. "So what happened?" Mip and Feona asked together. "Yeah what did happen?" Cheetie questioned. "There's good news and bad news." Star talked, "What would you like to hear first?" "The good part," Cheetie answered. "The good part is that Moonlight does know where the magic portal is, but the bad news is there are animals coming from it that are taking rabbits and putting them in the portal!" Star screeched. "What?!" Elsa interrupted though Cheetie was going to speak next. "Do you know any more information you can tell us?" Rainbow asked Star. She was unsure because the memories of the unliving were already fading away. But not from when Star went to receive her rulership. Think Star, think. She said to herself, what did Moonlight say about Rainbow kingdom. "Moonlight says we should go seek Whitepaw, so we can get more info." Star finally said.

"Ok, we're going to Rainbow kingdom, to see Whitepaw." Rainbow planned. "Ok, but who knows the way to Rainbow kingdom?" Mip asked. "Well, with your not so good sight, it's right on the field, over there," Elsa replied. It's true, Mips aren't great seekers. The seven heroes then started walking toward Rainbow kingdom. They were still at the Uchawi cove. "Come On guys!" Cheetie smiled. "Let's get running!" "Fine but can you fly," Rainbow teased. "Yeah I used to but now I don't" Cheetie replied.

Cheetie and the other wingless elements earned wings and horns when they ate the potion Whitepaw had given to them. But it has faded, and they didn't need them by now.

Star and Rainbow bunny both shot up into the air as Mip, Elsa, Carrots, and Feona were left, running as fast as they could. Cheetie sped up to Rainbow and Star but they had already arrived at Rainbow kingdom.

The Rainbow Prophecy 1: The Magic PortalTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang