Chapter Six

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Star had finished raising the moon and right after that, she sprinted with the other five heroes. "Elsa, go see what is in there."
Carrots said. "Sure I guess, but why?" Elsa replied. "You are a cat, the cat in there will think you are its friend." Cheetie stated.

"I'll go as well." Rainbow sighed. "So will I" Cheetie and Mip both said. The five jumped into the kitchen, only to see a huge mess in it, claw marks everywhere they turned. "It looks like no one got hurt." Elsa confirmed. 'Mip and Feona are gone!" Cheetie yowled.

"Paw prints! There right there!" Carrots saw paw prints on the ground. "Follow me!" Elsa said. The five heroes ran out of the kingdom and headed toward Starkingdom. Everyone ran as fast as they could to save their friend. They arrived in Starkingdom only to greet a very young cat named Sol. "Hey Sol, have you seen a cat run through here with two small creatures in its paws" Elsa asked the young red yellow and orange she-cat. "No not really, but I did see this huge cat running across that field." Sol said. "Thank you Sol, and tell your sisters I said hi!" Elsa said as she ran across the field with her friends.

They eventually arrived in the magic forest. Close by West Coast Waterville, where Lure's live. "Careful guys, these Lure's may still be mad at us." Rainbow stated, "Remember what happened to Que." Rainbow said, remembering the old queen of Mip Kingdom.

"Oh, my Bunziking, what is that!" Cheetie screamed. Looking at a green pool in the shape of a weird figure. "It is a magic portal." Carrots frightfully said. "Ok guys, we are going to jump in at the count of three!" Cheetie started counting. "One, two." (Rainbow screeched) "THREE!" Cheetie said as they all jumped in.

The rest of it was a blur for the five. Illusions of anything were tripping out Rainbow bunny, and her friends. Through the magic portal they went. Everything was hard to see for the five, they didn't transform from anything witch to Rainbow, was kind of weird.

They were only in the portal for five minutes. But to them, it felt like 5 hours or days, months or even years. But then, everything ws black and Rainbow found herself on top of a building. She took a look down with her tripped out eyes and she knew she was nowhere near the ground.

"Guys! We are in a city!" Carrots said. "I don't know but to me it seems kind of unhappy." Rainbow said. Rainbow then looked up and saw creatures flying overhead. "These cats have wings!?" Cheetie asked. "Come one, let's look for Mip and Feon-" Elsa tried to say but was interrupted by a roar. "What is that!" Star screamed. "We've found them, Greenleaf." A she-cat said. Rainbow, Star, Carrots, Cheetie and Elsa all frowned as they saw a huge black and green cat fly toward them.

"What are you doing here!" Greenleaf yelled. Rainbow didn't answer until she looked behind the huge she-cat to see a brown cat and a blue cat. "We came to take our friends back, Mip and Feona." Elsa said.

Rainbow saw Greenleaf land on the building along with the brown cat and the blue one. "Blue, take these prisoners away, please." Greenleaf hissed as she stared at Rainbow bunny's green eyes. "Yes, Brownie, warn the others." Blue meowed as she handcuffed the five.

Brownie flew away after that Rainbow and the other four were taken to a castle. Rainbow saw Blue toss the five in different cages. Rainbow sighed as she noticed Blue leaving. Her blue-gray fur ruffled. Her droopy-like ears flat.

"Hey R.B." Rainbow heard a familiar voice. "Mip, is that you?" Rainbow Bunny smiled. A spark of hope shines in her inside. "And Feona too, she's over there." Mip sighed as she pointed to a small brown and blue she-cat.

"We have to get out of here!" Rainbow growled as she started nibbling at the cage door. She shook it as fast as she could until the cage dropped on the floor with a smash. The door lock was still fastened on. Only a dent was made in the cages walls.

"It's hopeless, Rainbow." Star frowned. "No it is not." Rainbow scowled. She then flinched as she heard loud foot-steps coming from the door where the old she-cat entered to put them in cages. The door slammed open as a huge black and green cat stepped through the door. Along with a small orange and blue cat. "Here is the dungen, Flamethrower. This is where we put our prisoners." He said.

Rainbow knew it wasn't Greenleaf. He had tiger markings and green eyes, not like Greenleafs regula markings with blue eyes. "Oo.." Flamethrower growled his orange blue tipped ears flattening. "Looks like we have an escaper!" Flamethrower hissed at the blue and white bunny. "Now teach it a lesson, Flamey." The tiger printed tom said. "Before it's too late."

Rainbow gasped as the orange and blue tom pounced on her. Trying to claw her. "Enough!" A loud voice called from the hallway. Rainbow saw a large orange tom hop into the room. "We don't need to hurt other prisoners unless they have really escaped." He frowned. "Ugh but dad! I was only trying to defend our kingdoms." Flamethrower pouted. He then turned around and scowled. "I will make sure you will never forget me." Flamethrower vowed.

Rainbows ears drooped but only until the embarrassed tiger printed tom backed away from the dungen. Her ears flattened once again as she saw again Greenleaf step through the door. "Oh no." Rainbow whispered.

She brought some cats behind her. One was blue-gray. One was brown, and there was one small black and blue tom.

"Be careful, Torrent these creatures may be dangerous. Greenleaf meowed. "Ha! Dangerous!? They look nothing more than prey!" Torrent laughed.

"Sapphire, can I go see the bunnies." One cat asked. Her pelt was brown with blue markings like stars. "No, Sushi I don't know what your mother would say." Sushi's aunt replied.

"Now go, Torrent go see these things." Greenleaf said, "Bring your siblings with you and bring them on a tour. But remember, they still can't be trouble. Do not let them get away." Greenleaf insisted.

Rainbow felt a tight pain in her stomach. She thought the blue and black tom would hurt her like Flamethrower tried to. She then locked eyes with Star until Torrent walked over to unlock her. The cats left the room. And a series of black cats with different color markings stepped in right after.

"I see, Mom sent us here Autumn," Rainbow stopped listening to the dark gray marked black tom and thought. Who is Autumn? Is it the one who got captured as well as Mip and Feona?

She was interrupted once again from her thoughts only to be lifted out of the cage. "Hello, winged thing!" A young icy blue marked tom yelled. "I am Kris-tal but you can call me Kris. This is Autumn." He pointed to a Green marked she-cat that looked just like Greenleaf. "That's Web." He meowed, pointing to a black tom with gray markings. "Don't forget Torrent and Sandstorm, Thundercloud and Flare."

Torrent was the blue marked one, Sandstorm was the pale yellow marked she-cat. Thundercloud was the one with light gray markings and broken back legs. And Flare was the red marked one.

After the tour of the names, each cat took out a friend of Rainbow's. She was still in the paws of Kris. She looked at Star again. She was held by Flare, "You're in danger!" She meowed. "Shut up, Flare! We don't want to scare them." Web growled. Well they sure don't get along. Rainbow thought. "Ugh." Sandstorm grunted trying to carry Carrots out of his cage on the top. After all of the heroes were lifted out of their cages, the cats brought them to their paws and walked them outside of the dungeon.

The Rainbow Prophecy 1: The Magic PortalWhere stories live. Discover now