Chapter Four

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Cheetie frowned, as she hated losing. A couple of carrot-lengths away ran Mip, Feona, Elsa, and Carrots. Rainbow had already walked to the medicine place. Star and the other eventually followed. As if they were lost in Rainbows' huge kingdom. The moss and needles lay in the office. The one office. Whitepaw works alone and she is very elder. One of the oldest bunnies on the job. Besides Lucky, he is the oldest on the job ever. He is a fighter, and he is best friends with Carrots.

The seven enter the one office as Star bumped into a wall. Her purple flowy eye-fire was blowing everywhere. "It smelled in here," Cheetie said. "Like Rainbow kingdom. "She must have had a sick patient," Rainbow replied. Scolding in her mind. "In fact, I don't smell her scent at all." Rainbow spoke, "It's like someone else has been in here.

Pretty much all of the bunnies of her kingdom were not there. "I should call out a meeting." Rainbow said, "Then when everyone's in the meeting, I'll take attendance." The cold sun bowed and shined on the orange and red trees and suddenly Rainbow remembered the last attendance she made. Night kingdom was EZ dropping on them and attacked one by one. They almost took out the whole kingdom. Before they brought a dog pack the next day and ended up killing Moonlight. Breaking the prophecy.

Carrots stared around with his ocean eyes, saw nothing but doctors' stuff. He tasted the air to remember a fowl sent no bunny had liked. His fur ruffles as he said, "Cats." "Cats?" Elsa asked. "Why would cats be here? Probably me." "Not you, cat sent I've never smelled before." Carrots sniffed the air. "Cats cannot be invading the kingdom again!" Rainbow insisted, "Can you try to send Whitepaw? Or anyone else." "It's very faint but I think I smell Whitepaw's kids." Carrots replied, hesitantly. "I can't smell for nothing, I have bad allergies." Elsa talked as she groomed her leg.

The seven suddenly fell silent. Mip may not have good seeing but she can still hear what was walking toward them. It was Speck. His speckled pelt of red-orange and yellow and a sleek dark purple main coat. He looked like Autumn, his sister. Autumn looks like autumn. Like her name.

Speck put his eyes in an agonized position. Same with his mouth. "Have I interrupted you?" Speck asked. He said that as Autumn stepped behind him. Her sleek calm voice talked next, "We have news from the kingdom." "What is it, young fighters?" Carrots, the deputy of Rainbow kingdom requested. "Our mother has disappeared!" Speck's voice grew larger.

"Whitepaw is who we're looking for, where have you seen her last?" Carrots asked. "I saw her in her office, giving her patient a flu shot." Autumn answered, "Then I left and a while later Speck went to see her, and she wasn't there." Autumn kept a calm voice, "I tried to notify you two but you were gone on a quest." She said. "Well, we need to go on a new quest." Rainbow trembled. "Don't worry, Autumn and Speak. Well, find your mother ASAP." Cheetie reassured the two young ones.

The seven left the kingdom as Rainbow did not want to call the bunnies anymore. They have another place to go. The Magic Portal. 

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