Chapter Ten

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Back in Earth Kingdom where Rainbow and her friends lay there in small cages, Rainbow Bunny was talking with Cheetie. "We have to know where Star is, we haven't seen her since she checked up on us with Greenleaf." Cheetie stated.

Rainbow was very anxious of Star's disappearance. There is a huge world out there that hasn't even been looked at on a map yet for Rainbow and her friends. "Well she could be anywhere, I know she's alive I just know it." Rainbow sighed, knowing she wasn't telling the truth. What if Star was gone?

Rainbow felt herself shiver in stress. The very thought of Star not returning made her nauseous. "Hello? Rainbow!" Cheetie meowed. Rainbow realized she was deep in her mind again. Then something hit her. So much she had to say it aloud. "What I think is that our elements are disconnected from us." She started, "I'm in my mind so much that it's driving me crazy. And Star would be here by now if she used her magic."

Cheetie broke in and said, "Me too, I've been idle for so long now, I don't even wish to walk."

"What's happening right now doesn't seem like fantasy to me." Mip frowns. "I'm not loving this mess!" Feona protested.

Carrots says, "I don't know if this is reality or not." Followed by Elsa, "I would do anything to be out of here!"

Feona snarls, "Oh yeah? Well we all do, fur ball!" "Excuse me," The sophisticated tortoiseshell growled. "You're so small, why can't you just squeeze through the cage, oh yeah! You can't! Because you're too scared." She adds.

Feona whimpers and turns it into a growl, but before she could do anything Rainbow yelled. "Guys stop it!" She shouted. "This will only make it worse!"

Elsa turns away as they all continue to fight. Rainbow was trying to break it up but Mip and Feona wouldn't stop fighting.

Rainbow couldn't think clearly anymore. Even if she had an idea of something it would just drown out by the thoughts of Star's disappearance. Where could she possibly be?

The rainbow winged rabbit looked up, Greenleaf was standing there, talking to Elsa and Carrots. Rainbow wanted to know what was going on. "Queen Greenleaf, I promise that if anything bad happened again, you can put me and Carrots back into jail for as long as you want."

"Okay Elsa, and you." Greenleaf purred, pointing to the white and brown buck. "Queen Greenleaf, I promise that if anything bad happened again, you can put me and Elsa back in jail for as long as you want." Carrots repeated.

Rainbow knew exactly what they were doing. They convinced Greenleaf that they were innocent!

Greenleaf said something else but Rainbow didn't listen, this was great! If they can get out of here, that means that they could find Star and bring her back! Rainbow thought the first hopeful thought in days.

Elsa smiled, Greenleaf had let her go along with Carrots. If she finds the portal with him, they can all go home. "Okay guys, now that me and Carrots will be free tomorrow, me and him could find the magic portal and escape!" She said.

Rainbow looked concerned, "What about Star?"

In Elsa's opinion, Star was long gone by now. How could a half blinded rabbit survive in a cold dark world like this. Not to mention that cats used to eat rabbits. Even if Star returned, Elsa would never know how she made it through this terrible place.

"To be honest Rainbow, I think Star is not returning." Elsa stated.

Rainbow looked blank. Star was her best friend. If Star really were gone, would she be with Bunzi, or Galaxy. That thought ached Elsa's head for awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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The Rainbow Prophecy 1: The Magic PortalWhere stories live. Discover now