Chapter 23: Most Awkward Car Ride Ever!

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Chapter 23: Most Awkward Car Ride Ever!

Frank's POV.

I'm freaking out. Why? I don't know. All it is, is dinner with Mikey and Gerard. It can't go wrong.

Unless I somehow stab someone, but that's unlikely.

I hope.

Fuck, what do I wear? Formal? Causal? A mix? I'm so confused! I don't even know where we are going. He said it's a surprise... Screw you Gerard!

I fall face first onto my bed and sigh loudly. Why is this so difficult? I thought only girls had this problem?! This is not happening! I bang my head against the pillow a few times to vent out the frustration I am currently going though. Taking a deep breath, I stand back up and go back to my mission.

It will be accomplished.

Standing in my room in only my boxers, I suddenly become aware of how fucking cold it is! I need to get dressed so I don't freeze to death.

That and I only have ten minutes till Gerard arrives.




I all but dive into my closet and rummage through. I pull out a clean pare of black skinnies and put them on.


"Shit!" I whisper to myself as I take them back off and put them in the right way round. I find a dark blue button up and throw that on rolling up the sleeves. After finding a pair of socks and my converse I sprint down the stairs just as the door bell rings.

I open the door to a very smartly dressed Ray.

"Hey, Frank sorry I'm late. My mom was asking questions." He said as I left the house and we went to go stand at the street corner waiting for Gerard.

"No it's fine. I was running late as well."

"Okay that's good. Remind me again why I'm coming along?" Ray asked as we saw Gerard's black car in the distance.

"Cos I think you'll like his brother."

"Mikey right?" He said. I nodded. "How much older is he?"

"Umm, I think he is in his last year of high school so only by a year or just under." I replied as Gerard pulled up.

"Okay cool, and this isn't weird at all. I never thought I would be going out to dinner with one of best friends and his boyfriend to met his boyfriends brother."

Gerard's and mine eyes widen.

"B-boyfriends? What? Nooo..." I said.


"Oh give over Frank. The way you spoke about him on the phone made it extremely obvious." He replied.

"I swear to god Ray, if you tell anyone I will kill your hair in you sleep!"

Ray's eyes narrowed.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Try me."

"I won't tell anyone." He held his hands up in surrender and I smiled to myself.

"So, where we going?" I ask Gerard.

"A place that sells food." He says.

"Oh right. I though we were going to the pet store."

I heard Ray giggle in the back seat.

"Shut up or you're not going." Gerard said. I glared at the side of his head as his face pulled into smirk.

"I'm coming. I like free food."

"Who said it's free?"

"Well, neither me nor Ray have money so you better be paying." I said as I looked at Ray in the rear view mirror and he nodded in agreement.

"You guys are lucky I like you."

"Well, you like Frank more. I could tell by the way he was walking around yesterday." Ray said with a massive smirk on his face.

I felt my face heat up as Gerard swerved the car in shock.

"Ray!" I yelled in shock. Ray was just laughing his ass off in the back seat as me and Gerard sat up front avoiding eye contact.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy messing the fuck out of you guys!"

I risked a glance at Gerard and he looked back at me and shrugged. As long as he doesn't tell anyone I guess I can put up with the taunting.

We pulled up out side a restaurant that was at the out side if town. Avoiding people we know.

We got out the car and headed inside to me met by a waitress.

"Hello, I'm Tay, fol-"

"Tay?!" Me and Ray said at the same time.

"Oh god. Ray. Frank!" She pulled us both into a hug and we hugged back.

"You work here?" Ray asked.

"My family owns the place." She said. "Whose this?" She said turning to Gerard.

"I'm Gerard Way." He said holding a hand out to shake. She took it with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Gerard. Now, follow me to your table."

Tay lead us to a table of four near the back but not so it's dark.

"Do you want to order now?"

"No thanks. We are still waiting for someone, Tay." I said.

"Okay, I'll come back once they have arrived and settled." She walked off smiling at us all.

"So, that's the famous Tay Jardine." Gerard said.

"Yeah, it's great to see her." Ray replied. I nodded in agreement. I heard the door open and Gerard's head snapped up. He smiled at however walked through.

"Mikey!" He called.

I turned to see a lanky guy making his way over to us. He had blonde hair tucked into a grey beanie. A black coat and skinny jeans matching his glasses.

Ray gave a squeak.

"Hey Gerard. You must be Frank." He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you Mikey."

"Same. And you?" He turned to Ray.

Ray's eyes widen and he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"This is my friend Ray. Ray, this is Gerard's brother. Mikey." I saved him. He owes me.

"Awesome," Mikey said as he took his coat off and sat down, "So explain to me, why are we having dinner with two of your students?"

Gerard face paled. Which is an achievement. And I looked down. Ray decided to find his voice.

"Interesting story really you see- OW!" We glared at each other as I punched him in the dick under the table.

"Yeah, about that." Gerard said.

(A/N-- hello!! Well, this took me a while. But be glad. And I'm debating about Rikey... I have Ryden and peterick as well. So, it's a possibility. I will see where the next chapter goes and if I will make it a thing. Anyway. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it. Comment, vote whatever it is you spectacular people do! STAY AWESOME!-- Gina 😄)
(Ps. Sorry for any mistakes.)

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