Chapter 17: Just Because We Are Fighting, Doesn't Mean I'm Fighting For You.

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Chapter 17: Just Because We Are Fighting, Doesn't Mean I'm Fighting For You.

Gerard's POV.

I leave the restaurant with my mind completely confused. Why did I speak to Frank? What teacher does that? And then I had to deal with Lynz and her parents. Who hate me enough as it is! Fuck my life.

I finally get home and head upstairs to get changed. I get as far as taking my shirt of and the door bell rings.

"For fucks sake." I say to my self. I go to the door not caring about the absence of a shirt and open the door. Great. Lynz.

"What the fuck was that?!" Lynz says as she storms into the house.

"Hello to you to." I respond and close the door. We head into the living room and Lynz is pissed. Oh fun.

"Gerard. What the hell are you playing at?" And she yells. Shouting match.

"I was just saying hi to a student." I try to remain calm.

"Not that! Why where you so fucking rude tonight? You practically ignored my parents for the entire time!"

"Maybe because your parents kept insulting me and my life!" I shouted back.

"You're the one who divorced me! Of course they are gunna hate you!" Lynz yelled.

"We got married right out of high school and went to separate universities! In all honesty I knew it wasn't going to last. In fact I got over you during studying!" I shout.

"Oh fuck you Gerard! You're such a dick! What even made you divorce me?"

"Oh you know full fucking well why I divorced you!"

"I want to hear it from you not your stupid ass hat of a brother!"

"Don't you fucking dear bring Mikey into this! He has nothing to do with it!"

"He has everything to do with it! You told him everything before even thinking about telling me!" We are still shouting and I know the people next door are gunna be able to hear.

"I told him because he is my brother! I can talk to him about anything. And really Lynz was I really gunna tell you about how fucking confused I was and still am?"

"I'm your wife! Yes you do tell me!"

"No you're fucking not! We divorced over two months ago. Realise that!"

"Gerard! This never would have happens if you hadn't fucked your roommate! A fucking GUY! you fucked a guy while still with me!"

"Leave him out of it!"

"No, it's his bloody fault!" Lynz partially screams.

"I'm the one who started it! And if anything he fucked me!"

"I don't want to hear about that Gerard! I want you t-" Lynz is cut of by the doorbell. She stops yelling and goes to open the door.

I take a deep breath and run my hand through my hair. Fuck my life.

"Oh you fucking kids now Gerard?" I hear Lynz yell.

"What?" I shout and come to the front door. And it's Frank.

A very scared and very upset looking Frank.

"Lindsay. Out." I simply say.

"Uh no. We are not done taking about this."

"I am. Now out. Frank. Come in."

Frank and Lynz stand there looking at each other. Lynz pissed and Frank scared.

"Fucking hell." Lynz says before leaving.

Frank watches her go then turns back to me. His hazel eyes covered in tears.

"Come in."

Frank comes in and I shut the door. He goes into the living room and sits on the sofa. I sit down next to him and before I can say anything Frank falls into my arms and he is crying even harder now.

A strange feeling overcomes me. I want to keep Frank safe. I want Frank to be happy. I want Frank to never be scared again. I want Frank to be his happy self I have seen over the past week or so.

Just. Frank.

(A/N-- bonjour mes amis. How do you like this chapter? Right just to clear the air, I love Lynz okay? She won't be a bitch. Much. Also I have plans for the next chapter that hopefully you will love!! Anyway. Thanks for reading I hope you like it!! Comment, vote whatever it is you spectacular people do!! STAY AWESOME!!-- Gina 😄)
(Ps sorry for any mistakes)

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