Chapter 14: Well, Shit.

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Chapter 14: Well, Shit.

Franks POV.

I get into school the next day and see Pete and Patrick walking hand in hand down the corridor.

I screamed.

Like a girl.

Arms flail.


Pete looked at me shocked while Patrick smiled and blushed as he looked at the floor. I composed myself and went up to them. Hugged them. And left for history.

I'm the only one in the class room and the teacher isn't here yet. I sit down and just play a game on my phone. I'm not really paying attention to my surroundings until the door slams. I look up and it's Brent and Matt. Not now. Please God not now.

"Well hello." Brent says as he and Matt walk towards me. Slowly and menacingly. I don't say a word. I can't move.

"Aww. The little fag is scared." Matt says in a fake baby voice. I sink into my chair and hope to god that someone comes in right now.

"Why? We haven't given him a reason to be yet." Brent says as he stalks closer. Eventually he gets to me and pulls me up by my shirt. A small squeak makes it's way out of me. They both laugh.

"Pathetic." Matt whispers before punching me square in the jaw. My eyes water from the shock of the force but I blink the tears back, not wanting them to see me cry.

Then they go full out. Punches. Kicks. Hair pulls. Name calling. Then just as they are about to pick me up and throw me to he ground. A miracle happens.

Principle Armstrong crashes through the door and causes them to jump away and act completely innocent.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Billie yells. His voices bounces around my head as an oncoming headache makes it's presence known.

"Sir we just found him li-" Brent starts.

"BULLSHIT! I SAW WHAT YOU WERE DOING! BOTH OF YOU TO MY OFFICE NOW!" Brent and Matt waste no time in running out the door towards Billie's office. I go to walk but lose my balance slightly and I have to hold on to the desk to support me.

"Frank? Come on, let's get you to the nurses office." I hear him say. I shake my head.

"No. Sir. I'll be fine." I just walk past him and head to he nearest bathroom. Looking in the mirror I assess the damage.

Dark bruise all ready forming on my jaw. Black eye. Small cut on my left cheek bone. I lift up my shirt and see a few rather large bruises covering my rips and stomach.

"Shit." I whisper to my self as I lower my shirt and begin to clean the small cut on my face. Then the bathroom sort opens and it's Bert just standing there.

"If you're here to finish what they started then you can fuck right off!" I say glaring at him via the mirror.

"Actually, I came to say sorry." He says. I spin around to face him the shock not hidden from my face.


"Frank. I knew what they were gunna do today. I'm sick of them treating you like that. It's not right. So I went to Billie to try and stop them. Only he was talking to someone else so by the time he got there this had already happened."

"You tried to stop this?" I say. Still in shock.

"Yeah, I mean I've been trying to get to stop for ages, but you know them. They don't want to hear it. So, I did the next best thing. Went to Billie."

"Well. Thanks. You never did seem to be fully involved." I say as I go to leave. As I get to the door Bert speaks again.

"Hey Frank? Are we okay?" He asks.

I think for a moment before nodding.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Hayley, Joe, Pete, Patrick, Andy H, Andy B, Ray, Taylor, Jared and Shannon all got the full explanation at lunch.

I got home and stood outside the front door for a bit. This should be fun.

I go in.

"Frank, what do yo-oh my god what happened?" My mom comes in and sees my face. Immediately full mom mode.

"Nothing, couple kids hit me cos I'm gay. Billie sorted them out." I said.

"Right, come on were gunna clean up that cut then we gunna go out for dinner."

"Thanks mom."

(A/N- hello people!! What do you think?? I kinda made this up as I went along so.... Yeah. Anyway. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it. Comment, vote whatever you spectacular people do. STAY AWESOME!! --Gina 😄)

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