Chapter 1

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Matthew's POV

I looked up at my clock to check the time and boy do I regret it. It read 6:08 grate I have to get up to go to school. I got up and pushed a few still unopened boxes out of the way. I went into and bathroom took a quick shower. I put on my jeans band t-shirt and fixed my hair. I Went downstairs were I smelled something burning. oh crap I ran to the kitchen fast "Mom! What going on!?" I yelled panicked.
"Oh sweetie sorry I kinda burned breakfast" she said while trowing away a batch of burnt scrabbled eggs. My mom is good at cooking but she tends to get distracted sometimes. I let out a sigh of relief and make my self some toast. "Want me to make something else?" She asked

"uh no thanx I'm good mom besides I'm walking to school" I tell her

"are you sure you know I can-" but I didn't stay long to let her finish the sentence.

I quickly grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door.
My moms sweet and all but I really so overprotective with me I swear my favorite thing back home was the times I was able too get out of the house. Like literally outside I Never did like indoor or crowded places way to uncomfortable. I walked down the main rode taking in the fresh air. It was nothing compared to the outdoor air back home thou. I putt on my ear buds in and soon 'your gunna go far kid' started blasting in my ears. When I got to the school I went to the front office.

"Um excuse me I'm the new student, they told me to come here and get my schedule"I said to the women behind the desk "alright um just let me find you in the system real fast what your name?" She asked

"Matthew Evans " I told her "Evans Evans ah hear we go Victor Evens" she said then printed out my schedule and handed it to me. "Thank you" i said and headed into the halls. Didn't take me long to find the room number that was on my schedule for my first period. I entered the class room and since the bell hadn't wrong yet their was only the teacher and a few students in the class room. I took the seat closest to the window and looked outside until class began. So far my day was just spent in a daze. i hadn't had to do anything much in my classes other then take notes or finish worksheets. Soon it was lunch and i went to the school cafeteria that was packed with so many people. Ugh as if that wasn't bad enough the food they were serving was horrid too just my luck. Well i guess i did find some luck in finding a empty table. After i got an apple witch i think was the only thing safe being served here. I sat down and blasted my music over the chatter of everyone. Soon though i felt a tap on my shoulders my shoulder. I wondered who thou i mean Im the mew kid after all. I turned around and saw a tall girl with blond hair and blue eyes and she had on an emotionless face.

"Uhh can i help you?" I asked.

"Yes actually do you mind if i can sit here? This is the table thats has the least amount of people and id like to read my book in peace." She asked with a blank expression.

"Oh yah sure" i said "your the new student aren't you?" She asked to which I nodded.

"Well welcome to hell hope you enjoy your stay here"she said i smirked at her comment. "Hey you want this" I asked her showing her a cart of milk I got in line. "Sure why not so whats your name anyways?" She asked "Matthew" "cool well Matthew I'm Alex" she said then went back to her book.

The rest of the school day went by rather quickly. When i got home the first thing i did was grabbed the mail. I took out one envelope sent to me and put it in may backpack. I went inside and said hi to my mom and then went upstairs. I couldn't wait to open the letter i got. I ran up the stairs and ripped the envelope open.

Dear Matthew

Just wanted to say Hey there kiddo. I know your going to attend a new school soon. You most likely wont get this letter before then,but ill wish you luck anyways. So tell me how your liking your new town, so far?.you Must be really tired of having to move so much by now huh. How are you and your mother? Hope both of you are well and happy. I gotta say I miss the both of you so much. I caught a bore today hunting. So city boy how's the outdoors over there bet they aren't as good as the ones over here. Anyways have fun at your new school Matthew and be good.
Love, your father

Authors note
Well lets see how this story will play out anyways they guy in the first page is what Matthew looks like

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