Chapter 4

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Matthew's POV

I walked over too Alex locker I saw her holding a huge stack of papers
"Alex hey you need a little help their?" I asked

"Id really appreciate it thanks matt" Alex says

"What are all these papers for anyways?" I ask

"All the privileges of being part of the student council paperwork, paperwork, oh yah and did I mention paperwork." She says

"its that bad huh"

"I wouldn't mind it that much If i didn't contently have to get up and walk around to deliver it or do other tasks on top of all this" alex says irritated

"Alex all this isn't good for you to do alone are you sure you don't want me to help?" I ask she looked so tired and last time I asked to help she said no.

"Matt are you sure you wanna I mean its pretty boring youll just be Walking around doing random tasks" Alex asked "Hey it better then just sitting in study hall" I said reassuring her.

"All right well come on lets go get your schedule change" Alex said heeding into one of the rooms that was labeled councilor office.

"Huh wait shouldn't I ask first if I qualify or something?" I ask

"nah Mr.Williams loves student council help he will let anyone join it wont take long." Alex said putting the stack on the desk I did the same. Sure enough just like Alex said I got my schedule changed from study hall to the student council quickly. We even made it to 1st period with a few minutes to spare.

At lunch we all sat at our usual table. "Yo Guys you'll never believe it it I just scored a date with one of the girls on the cheer squad" Nathan said enthusiastically "wow you're right I don't believe it" Alex said "oh haha so max what do you think pretty sweet huh?" Nathan asked "huh oh yha sure" he said. "Oh hey guys guess what Matt is joining the student council " Alex said informing everyone "wow really, why?" Max asked "thought id help a out plus it better then sitting around in study hall." I said. "thanx again" Alex said.

"well I guess student council isn't too bad when I use to be on it on it it was ok" Max said which was surprising to say the least I wonder why he quit. "God your all nerds really this is worth making a fuss but not me getting a date really!" Nathan shouted. "Ok no ones forcing you to stay around 'nerds' as you so kindly put it" Alex said. "Hey I'm the leader of this group you all need me" Nathan said to witch max snorted.

"Speaking of our group Matthew you haven't been properly initiated" Nathan said looking at me with a look that set off more then a few red lights. "What initiation!?" Alex shouted "the one we've always had now shush. Anyways if you wanna hang with us you need to prove your loyalty" Nathan said "uh huh sure and how exactly am I suppose to prove that?" I asked expecting some stupid dare that was consisted of embarrassing myself in front of the whole school.

"In the evergreen forest their's an old abandoned mansion legend has it that long ago an old man who lived their did a whole bunch of twisted experiments on people wile they were alive. They say He'd kidnap them and take them to his basemen. There he'd cut them open, steal their organs, and put them in jars like trophies or something. You have to prove to us your brave enough to cross a dangerous forest and enter a haunted mansion for this group so what do you say do you accept." Nathan stated, I found it really funny how dramatic he was with all this.

"All right i accept your challenge" I said. Nathan, Alex, and even Max stared at me with disbelief "ok...good tonight 9:00pm remember grab something from inside as proof or it didn't happen" Nathan said I nodded I guess they all expected me to be scared and say no or be reluctant. Little did they no this isn't my first time in a forest.

Me and Alex headed to the class room were the student council meets. "Are you insane please tell me your not actually going to go through with Nathan's stupid initiation.Matt None of us have ever been in the forest before who knows what might be in their" She said. " of course I am going to do it. Alex I used to lived in a small town that had literally a forest right next to it and it was much bigger then the one here. I'll be fine don't worry plus i am a bit curious to see what the forest here is like" I said trying to reassure her. She sighed and said "fine if you have your heart set on doing something this incredible stupid. I might as well go with all of you, but if i hear a damn bear or anything else your all on your own." She said "Thanx Alex, so what do I need to do?" I asked "just drop of all these to the class room numbers written on top of it and....oh almost forgot could you do me a favor and water the plants out front real quick before you go do that?" She asked "sure" I nodded alex then sat down to do some paperwork.

I grabbed a bright green watering can that was in the class room and it heeded to the front of the school. Their were two small flower beds on either side of the entrance. Both had lovely tulips of many different colors growing. They were a bit wilted but I'm sure its nothing some water and fresh soil or compost couldn't fix. Yes this was definitely better the sitting in some stuffy old class room.

Authors note
Ohh night at haunted house scary what shall happen. Read and find out anyways hope you all are liking this story so far I promise it'll pick up soon.

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