Before Sex

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Aries: gets into an argument with the person beforehand

Taurus: buys 3 cans of whipped cream

Gemini: makes it clear they want nothing serious

Cancer: lights some candles around the room and sprays it with some scents

Leo: T-E-A-S-I-N-G

Virgo: spends an hour researching the different positions and which one their partner might like the most

Libra: goes out to buy new lingerie but can't decide what to buy so they buy $200 worth

Scorpio: dusts off their toys

Sagittarius: takes pole dancing classes and looks up dangerous positions

Capricorn: makes a nice dinner and chugs some wine

Aquarius: finds their glow-in-the-dark condoms 

Pisces: looking up role-play topics

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