Least to Most: Serial Killers

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12. Taurus- 22 killers -Taurus tend to be sweeter in nature and understand their limits. Taurus loves calming and sweet things more than fighting and weapons. However, those 22 killers had all done their crime in nature.

11. Cancer- 34 killers -Cancers tend to be very emotional in general and take it out more upon themselves. They have a sweet, protective nature underneath. However, this was the only sign with serial killers who drowned people.

10. Virgo- 39 killers -Virgos must think everything through and after they overthink some things, they may not kill anyone. More often than not, Virgos take out their suffering upon themselves. However, most of the murders were Virgos in the medical profession who poisoned or dismembered their patients.

9. Pisces- 40 killers -Pisces is usually sweet and charming and do their best to escape reality when it becomes too much. They are sweet and caring in nature. However, Pisces tended to target children, minors, or the elderly.

8. Gemini- 40 killers -Gemini's frequent change in modd may have lead to them being lower on the list than expected. Though, Gemini's tend to be affectionate in nature. However, Gemini tended to target people they knew, whether a neighbor or family.

7. Aries- 42 killers -the reason Aries is lower than Scorpio, Aquarius, and Libra is because Aries tended to use a firearm to make quicker and less painful deaths and they didn't use a lot of tact and lacked organization in their kills, making it easier to track them down and find them.

6. Libra- 42 killers -Libra's murders were less messy as they would take pictures of the bodies posing afterward. They tended to take valuables from their victims and had no specific targets.

5. Aquarius- 42 killers -Aquarius targeted high-risk people such as the homeless and runaways.

4. Scorpio- 42 killers -Scorpio targeted the same people as Aquarius but they had a lot of sexual torture before they killed their victims.

3. Sagittarius- 43 killers -Sagittarius are impatient and hate being restricted. 

2. Leo- 46 killers -Leos crimes had a lot of sexual torture involved and they tended to go after children.

1. Capricorn- 55 killers -Capricorns strive for power and control, so anyone who stood in their way, was gone. Capricorns tended to go after people who mad them feel weak or powerless. 

NOTE: I am NOT promoting murder or torture of any sorts. I am merely giving some facts away on something I found interesting. PLEASE do not follow in any of the footsteps of any of the killers above. I love you all. Let's stop the bad in the world.

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