Aquarius the Independent

23 3 1

DATE RANGE: January 20 - February 18

Symbol: Water Bearer (for their constant flow of ideas)

Element: Air

Quality: Fixed

Strengths: independent, original, progressive, humanitarian, good listener, energetic, can see two sides to an argument

Weakness: aloof, tries not to be emotional, temperamental, uncompromising, shy (at first)

Likes: fighting for what they believe in, fun with those they care about, intellectual conversations, helping others, their independence

Dislikes: limitations, loneliness, broken promises, others disagreeing with them, ignorance, being bored, disrespect for who they are, someone trying to change them

Compatibility (greatest to least):

1. Leo (89 %)

2. Gemini (85 %)

3. Sagittarius (83 %)

4. Aquarius (74 %)

5. Aries (68 %)

6. Libra (68 %)

7. Pisces (38 %)

8. Capricorn (37 %)

9. Cancer (31 %)

10. Virgo (30 %)

11. Scorpio (30 %)

12. Taurus (11 %)

(These statistics are from

Comment below if you're a Aquarius! 

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