Soulmate Au

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y'know the one where whatever you write on your arm or whatever it pops up on your soulmate?? Yeah that one

Some days, Mondo would randomly start seeing little notes on his wrist and the back of his hand, which he immediately asked Daiya about. Mondo wasn't really the kinda guy to write out notes to remember to eat, or what chapters to study. Especially right now since it was summer.

He had learned that, according to Daiya, that it was probably from his soulmate. He had given him the suggestion to write back, see if he'd reply.
So, that night, pen in hand, Mondo wrote on his wrist beside the notes the other had hastily scribbled on their hand.

'hey make sure u eat lol'.

It wasn't anything good. I mean, he had literally just learned about this soulmate stuff. Plus he didn't even know who this person was!
So, for now, he'd be cautious.

It was about 8 P.M when Kiyotaka had looked at his hand. He was studying, and he had remembered the topics be had written on his hand during school.
He had almost fell out of his chair when he saw scribbled writing next to the notes, ones that he clearly would have never written himself.

"W-what on Earth?!" Taka shouted, his voice cracking a bit.
The sudden shouting made his dad quickly burst open his door, a concerned look on his face.

"Taka? Are you okay? What happened?!" Takaaki rushed to his sons side, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Im okay father! My apologies! I just.. something appeared on my hand that I don't recall being there before. See?" Taka showed his hand to the man.

"Hm. I don't see how anyone could write this without your knowledge.." His father pondered for a second before it dawned on him. "Taka, why don't you try replying to it? Tell me what happens then. Also, let's get you a snack before you head to bed, alright?"

The boy nodded,  sitting up from his chair, making sure to grab a pen on his way out.


While he was sitting at the table, he ate a sandwich his father made for him. He was reading the message, over and over again. Why would he need to reply to it? Who wrote it? Why did they write it?
The questions kept replaying in his mind before he finally started to write on his hand.
'I have, thank you.'

It was brief, simple. There was no need to write an essay.

"I wrote the reply back, father. Why did you tell me to?" Taka looked up at his dad, who was washing dishes.

"Have you ever heard of soulmates? Perhaps from people at school? Maybe on social media?" Takaaki looked back at the boy, a small smile on his face.

"I do believe the girls at school talk about them from time to time. Though I never knew exactly what it was. It was never in my textbooks." Taka took a bite of his sandwich after he finished talking, confused as to why his father suddenly brought this up.

"Well. Soulmates are..who you're destined to be with. Who fate chose you with basically. And at some point, whatever they write on themselves, pops up on their soulmate. So what I'm assuming what happened, when you took notes on your hand, they noticed. That's why I asked for you to reply."

It all hit Taka like a brick. Soulmates? Being with someone was the last thing he had planned. But knowing now that fate had different plans, he was confused.

"Soulmates...I have a soulmate?! Who?!" Taka accidently yelled, tears pricking in his eyes. He wasn't upset, quite the opposite actually. Knowing that he'd, at some point, have a friend- it was exciting! Someone wouldn't hate him besides his father!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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ishimondo fanfic i guess lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now