how they met/started dating I guess lol

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Mondo was pissed. He felt like he could punch something. More specifically someone, and that unfortunate soul was Kiyotaka Ishimaru.
Mondo was sitting in detention, bouncing his knee and slightly grumbling. Mondo and Leon were having a race in the hallways when Taka found them and gave them detention.
So now the three of them were in the detention room, Leon and Mondo waiting until they could leave, and Taka watching over them to make sure they didn't leave early.
Taka never minded staying after school to watch over the kids in detention, mostly because it gave him more time to study and work on his homework.
It was silent, the only sound being Taka's pencil writing against his papers. Well, until Leon started talking.

"Yo Taka, how much longer do we got?" Leon kicked his legs up on the desk.

"About 10 minutes for you, 15 minutes for Oowada. And put your legs down." Taka aimed his pencil at Leon's feet.

"I still don't fuckin get why I got 5 minutes extra! We were both doin the same shit!" Mondo yelled slightly.

"Language, Oowada. You got 5 extra minutes because this is the 4th time this week you've been in here, and I'm going to have a talk with you once Kuwata leaves."

"Ooooo Mr. Tough guy out here getting 4 detentions in a week! Imagine that!" Leon laughed.

"Like you're any better dumbass! Surprised you haven't been here more than I have!" If Mondo hadn't been angry before, he sure was now.

He found this entire thing ridiculous. He got detention for running! RUNNING! That's such a dumb thing to be in detention for. Then getting 5 minutes more minutes because he was in detention already was stupid.

Taka sighed, "Oowada, I will not tell you again, the language must stop. You are in a school environment and that language is not allowed."

"Okay that's fuckin it!" Mondo abruptly stood up, cracking his knuckles.

Mondo took a step forward before Leon grabbed his arm.

"Dude it ain't worth it, you're getting upset over 5 minutes more detention, you're gonna end up getting suspended if you hurt him."

Mondo hated it when Leon was right. Plus, Daiya would kill him if he got suspended.
He just started grumbling again as he sat down.

Taka softly thanked Leon, and then room was silent again.

"Kuwata, you can go. Your 10 minutes passed. Have a nice day." Taka pressed his hands together, smiling a bit.

Leon stood up, grabbing his bag. "Cool, you too, I guess."

As Leon left, he pat Mondos shoulder. "Dont kill em, kay dude?"

Mondo huffed, and as soon as he heard the door shut as Leon left, he spoke up.

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me. What you gotta fuckin say? And you better not piss me off cause I will not hesitate to take that grin of yours and break it."

Taka winced before he sighed. "I wanted to talk to you about your behavior. I don't want to keep seeing you here, because you clearly don't enjoy it, and I don't enjoy getting threatened."

"My behavior is none of your fuckin business. And you wouldn't have to keep seein me here if you didn't keep sending me here! This is your fuckin fault, asshole." Mondo hated when people began to try and pry into his personal life. That was his business and no one else's.

"I have to send you here, its my job. I wouldn't have to send you here if you acted right." Taka set down his pencil, straightening his papers.

"I can act how I wanna act, don't try and tell me what to do." Mondo stood up. He wasn't gonna take any more of this.

ishimondo fanfic i guess lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now