taka was late to school? unpoggers man

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Everyone knew that Kiyotaka deeply cared about his studies. Everyone knew that he worked himself to the bone to get perfect scores and grades, such perfect grades that could impress anyone.

So it wasn't out of character for him to be at school every single day of the year, sometimes even seen on days that students didn't have to show up or after classes to help out with the teachers. He was pretty much the student that any teacher could ever dream to teach and have for class.

So, naturally, when Taka arrived late to school, everyone was confused. 

"I'm here, I'm here! I sincerely apologise for being late! It wasn't my intention! If you wish to send me to detention I understand completely!" Taka burst through the classrooms doors, sweat going down his face. He looked incredibly tired.

"You're alright Ishimaru. There's no need for that. Please, sit down." The teacher herself even seemed a bit confused, but still pointed towards Taka's seat.

As he walked to his seat, he felt eyes piercing through him, one of those unfortunate pairs of eyes were his boyfriend's, Mondo Oowada.

Mondo had been the most confused, Taka had never been late. So, naturally, he was going to get to the bottom of this.

After class, Mondo caught up with Taka, stepping in front of him.

"Heya Kiyo, what was that about?" Mondo had started to walk backwards as Taka continued to walk forwards.

"I don't understand what you mean. And don't walk like that. You'll trip and hurt yourself."
Taka's voice had been quieter than usual, almost like he sounded ashamed or disappointed.

"You were late. You're never late."

Instead of responding, Taka just looked down and went past the biker, walking faster than he had been before.

However, as Mondo noticed, his fast pace hadn't stayed for long. It eventually pulled back down to an average to slightly slow speed.

"Aight, somethin's wrong. What's wrong?" Mondo quickly caught back up with him.

"Nothing is wrong. Why would you suspect anything to be wrong?" Taka still had his face low.

"You're walkin slower, and talkin real quiet. And ya arrived to class late for pete's sake! Somethin is up with ya today. What is it?"

"I'm perfectly fine, there is nothing to concern over. I just woke up late this morning. A small inconvenience that I truly wish to not happen again. And Togami-kun had told me I need to 'quiet down' so I'm just doing as told."

"Oh. That...makes sense. Well make sure you don't listen to byaku-bitch. He's an ass. In my opinion he's the one who needs to quiet down." Mondo sighed and crossed his arms. He never liked the way Byakuya had decided to treat Taka. The amount of times he wanted to punch him or throw him in a lake was uncountable by now.

"Do not use that language in a school environment, Mondo. That is highly inappropriate! You shouldn't call Togami-kun that!"

Mondo had just laughed it off, slugging his arm around Taka's shoulder.
Though there was a thought lingering in the back of his mind.
He had a feeling that Taka wasn't being entirely truthful.

Throughout the day, Mondo monitored Taka's actions. He seemed tired and a bit clumsier than usual. He also didn't raise his voice too often, which he found incredibly strange. He realized that others we're beginning to notice Taka's behavior as well.
Mondo wanted answers. And he wanted them now.

Taka was his putting books away and had took his bag out of his locker when suddenly a hand slammed on the locker beside him. The loud bang of the metal made the moral compass quickly turn around, looking panicked.

ishimondo fanfic i guess lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now