Yo Christmas time?

146 7 11

Mondo was incredibly excited for today, excited enough that walking through a ton of snow was worth it. Also carrying two fragile bags of gifts.

"So, tell me what we're doin again?" Daiya looked down at his brother, taking one of the bags from him.

"We're spending the holidays with Taka n his dad, remember? Also why did ya take that?" Mondo now held the one bag with both his hands.

"Oh yeah. Can't wait to see that guy, he's a good kid. Why don't ya bring him home more often? He could bring your grades up. And I took the bag cause I felt bad you were carryin both and I wasn't carrying anything."

"Pff, shut up. He's busy enough, I ain't gonna bother his studies for mine."

"Eh you got a point there. But bring up your grades! Ya gotta get a job at some point!"

"Uggggh, you're such a dad! You ain't even that old and yer already naggin me!" Mondo groaned slightly, but gave a dumb grin.

"Ey! Im just carin about your future! I ain't a dad, if I was I'd be way more strict!"

Mondo just laughed at him, started to speed up, running away from him."Sure ya would! Id like to see ya try and be all strict for two seconds!"

Daiya ran after him, causing Mondo to panic and run faster.

As they ran, Mondo looked over at the houses across the street, noticing that Taka's house was nearby.
The biker froze, causing Daiya to also freeze, trying not to accidently run the other over.

Mondo pointed out Taka's house, the two now jogging towards it.

Before they could knock, the moral compass swiftly opened the door, a bright smile on his face.

"Mondo! Mr. Oowada! Its nice to see you guys again!" Come in, come in! Im sure it's cold out there!"  Taka moved aside, letting the other two in.

As they stepped inside, Taka took their coats, shaking some snow off it.

The house was well decorated, lights hanging around. Some stars were hanging from the ceilings, and a big Christmas tree was sitting in the corner. A fireplace was lit, and the smell of ham was lingering throughout the house.

"Y'know kiddo, you don't gotta keep callin me 'Mr.Oowada'. That's more for dads n all. Just call me Daiya, aight?" He took off his shoes, setting them by the door.

"Ah, I apologize! Ill try and remember to call you Daiya from now on!" Taka hung the others coats on a coat-hanger nearby before he bowed swiftly.

Mondo just rolled his eyes, ruffling Taka's hair.

"Aight, aight. I'm sure Daiya forgives ya. Here, we got ya some gifts. Some for your dad too." He handed both bags to the other, making him start to tear up.

"M-Mondo..Daiya...thank you so much!! It means so much you got us both a gift!" He let out a sniffle.

The other two immediately freaked out, shocked at how fast the man could burst into tears.

They heard a quick slide from the kitchen, Taka's father popping out from it.

"OOWADA DID YOU MAKE MY SON CRY? I KNEW NOT TO TRUST YOU!" He waved a spatula at him slightly, making Mondo jokingly put his hands up to surrender.

"Father no, he didn't make me cry in a bad way! They got us gifts, see? Isn't that thoughtful of them?" He showed him the bags, making Takaaki sigh in relief.

"Ah..yes. It is rather thoughtful. Sorry for freaking out. Why don't you put them under the tree? We'll open them after dinner, alright?" He put a hand on his sons shoulder, giving him a slight smile.

ishimondo fanfic i guess lmaoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt