Chapter 1

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Harp stood outside the PE changing rooms. She was waiting for the teacher to arrive. However she had been waiting for a little while now, so was growing impatient. She turned whilst still leaning against the wall to talk to her best friend Jess. Jess was a brown haired girl with a lot to talk about... This had landed her in trouble before and she was frequently bullied, often called slutty. Harp was nothing like this, she didn't really know any of the popular kids and didn't really fancy that either. 

Speaking of the popular kids, the only ones in this group were Eve and Emily. Two tall, beautiful ginger girls. They were mean and were very much so responsible for starting the rumours about Jess. But something about them was just so... enrapturing to Harp.

And then there were the outcasts, or outcast. Liz was a "big" blonde girl, she embarrassed herself quite often due to her large weight. But she had mostly grown to accept this.

And just as Liz tried to start an ill-fated conversation with Eve, the PE Teacher, Miss McAddy briskly jogged around the corner. She had a real spring in her step this morning ,and kept twitching her leg.She was one of the most popular teachers at the college, so everyone greeted her with a friendly "hey". She stood in front of the girls with her hands on her hips, still twitching that leg. 

"Aren't you going to open the doors Miss?" asked Eve.

"Don't sit down class, we are going somewhere!" She spoke as if she had been waiting for that particular cue to start.

She gestured for the class to follow her, at which she received a grown, as they knew they'd have to get walking again soon.

The small group went quietly through the corridors, before ending up on the second floor, outside a girls toilet.

"In", she said. 

Everyone piled into the small bathroom. 

"Now class, does everyone remember that story of my first race? When I had my accident?" All nodded, "What was the mistake I made on that day?" She asked.

All but Liz blanked her, but even Miss McAddy was unwilling to let her talk.

"I forgot to go to the toilet properly! Now, once again, does anybody know why we are here today?" 

Nothing was said by anybody for a few seconds, before the horrible realisation dawned on every student's face.

Before anybody could pipe up, Miss McAddy said, "This is not an optional class, this is crucial to every race, you will all go today, no matter what happens."

"So...who would like to go first?" She asked before gesturing to the cubicle by gingerly pushing open the door.

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