Chapter 3

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"How about you Eve?", Miss McAddy asked.

Eve looked scared. 

"Please no Miss! That would be so embarrassing!"

"Everyone must learn to go properly, it is integral to our performance!", replied Miss McAddy.

"Ok..... But only if I have to." Replied Eve with uncertainty, "Nobody look please", she pleaded as she pulled down her leggings and lace panties.

Her pussy lips tickled the edge of the still-warm toilet seat as she peed. Little drops of urine jumped from her urethra to the toilet seat as she clearly had a lot to get rid of. She jumped her butt up and down on the seat to ensure she was empty. Then she prepared for her poo. She didn't have much in her and she wanted to make it as quick as possible. She opened her legs as far as possible and pushed her hands onto her stomach hard to squeeze the poop out. Luckily it was quite solid, so it launched out into the water, making a big splash. She rubbed the paper on her ass to clean the poop away. But in her haste, she didn't quite finish the job, the poop ended up rubbing her panties creating a small skid-mark. She stood up and was done.

"Ooh. That wasn't as bad as I thought, y'know, being watched take a poop", Eve stated.

She walked past the cubicle door and prodded her sister Emily, "Your turn sis"

"Sure", Emily replied, mocking Eve's voice, which warranted a huff and puff from her.

She readily sat onto the toilet in an attempt to outdo her sister. She started pushing, straining a little, causing a small fart to come out. At which she giggled, She pushed again, letting another rip, then another, then something a little different, it brought with it a spurt of liquid.

"Gosh, she thought, I know that sickly sweet smell. It must be diarrhoea"

She rubbed her hands on her stomach, then her thighs, before she felt  a familiar pang in her lower abdomen. Oh no! A huge wave of brown mushy liquid with a loud fart erupted from her ass. It was messy, but she thought she must be done, for now... She wiped, before clambering away.

"Sorry for the smell everyone. Hehe" She really didn't like that as much as she thought.

"Who's next?" asked Miss McAddy whilst putting her hands together.

Nobody really wanted to come forward. Eventually Liz was selected. She moved her enormous build down the length of the cubicle and pulled down her jeans to reveal a pair of boys' boxer shorts she had been wearing. Eve and Emily issued a giggle. She sat down onto the toilet and immediately began straining to poop. She grunted and pushed for several minutes. She was heavily constipated. 

"Come on Liz, push", Miss chanted. 

And she did, again and again and again, but still nothing came. Her pipes were definitely moving now though.

Eventually she was permitted to get up. Next up was Harp. She trundled her way down to the end of the corridor anxiously, before removing her leggings and panties to take her dump.

But she wouldn't.

She pretended to strain.

And Push.

But she wouldn't.

Even when Miss McAddy gave her encouragement.

She wouldn't.

"Come on Harp. This is integral to your abilities as a sportsman. Come on! Just push it out!"

"No Miss. I can't, there's nothing there to push out! I went last break. I don't want to hurt myself."

"Right then." Decided Miss McAddy, "I'll just have to help you out then."

"No Miss, what? No!" She shouted and screamed as the PE teacher stepped forward and put her hands on Harp's stomach and back, squeezing it until a large, bumpy, brown, turd escaped her ass.

By this point, Harp was crying into the teachers' shoulder from the embarrassment. So the teacher just decided to wipe her ass for her. She did this and held Harp as she cried.

While this was happening, Jess was feeling really desperate for the loo. She really needed to go and poop was pushing it's way into her panties. It was probably leaving skid-marks now... So as soon as Harp was off the toilet, Jess rushed past the two without closing the door behind her. She yanked her jeans and panties down and flopped onto the loo. Unfortunately, the popular girls spotted her near-accident. They leered in and laughed at those skid-marks. 

She pushed out a large thick poo into the toilet bowl before wiping and proceeding to cry. But her eyes weren't then only thing to be wettening. Why was she enjoying this, she thought. 

And at that, Miss McAddy addressed the class. "Why, what a wonderful first lesson. Did you enjoy that? I know I did. You all did so well!" She then led them out of the classand back out to the changing rooms. They left the college and went their separate ways.


I hope everyone enjoyed this. :D I made it this fine evening of the 24th of January 2021. To all my previous fans, those who read, 'How I got into Scat' and any new people from Reddit, or if you found me on a whim, sincerely thank you for reading.

You will probably have noticed that the ending was a little bit more clunky than usual, that's because I was doing my best to sow in future plot seeds for possible sequels/prequels. Jess' accident, Liz' "Pipes getting moving" etc.

Thank you :D


u/Raven2404 on the Redditz.

Edit because I forgot to say it before: It is my birthday tomorrow. Can Somebody say Happy Birthday pleaseeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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