Chapter 2

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After waiting for a little, Miss McAddy pushed the door open fully and said, 

"I shall go first then, after all, I need to make up for my past failures", she giggled a bit before pulling down her school tracksuit exposing a pink sports thong.

"Here goes nothing I suppose", she stated before yanking them down over her twitching leg and exposing an unshaven hairy pussy. Everyone gasped at seeing this.

Miss flopped down onto the toilet. 

"Miss, are you really going to-?", Eve exclaimed in surprise before hearing the tinkling.

Miss McAddy opened the floodgates to let out a stream of hot yellow piss into the toilet, 

"Mmmmmmmmm" she said, feeling the sweet relief it brought to her. She continued releasing her pee until her leg stopped twitching and her eyes opened up again.

Still on the loo, she began to speak, "You can have a wee any way in which you like, just remember to let it all out. But pooping, is a whole different matter"

The PE teacher arched her back and puffed out her chest, presumably to help her push out her load. However before that, came a bit of gas. She let out a loud fart, which reverberated in the toilet bowl before permeating the room, with it's horrendous stench.

As the smell finally reached the class, just outside the cubicle, a resounding, "Eww Miss, that stinks", came from the students. 

"Oh, well I'm not done yet" she said. And she definitely wasn't. Her asshole began to widen open as she gritted her teeth and began to push out a big brown turd. The pleasure coming from that release was obviously astounding, as she opened her mouth and stared at the ceiling as the log fell from her bum into the murky yellow waters below. 

After finally finishing her poo, 

"That felt good" She stated.

She sat for a small while longer while her students looked on.

"Ah time to wipe now."

She grabbed the thin toilet paper, turned around with her messy bottom facing towards the class and dabbed at it with a couple of sheets. She then had to go at it again with another wipe to get all of the poo out of the hair on her butt. When she was fully clean, she turned around and said.

"Well now it is definitely somebody else's turn"

Poop SchoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon