Bellis perennis

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my pov

we finished up lunch and headed back to Hogwarts, knowing we had some students to meet with. when we reached the great hall. I looked at Neville and smiled "Hey Nev, Can you help me get some books down out of the storage in my classroom" I asked

"yeah yeah of co-" he started 

"wait why didn't you ask either of us?" Dean asked, pointing between himself and Seamus. 

"Oh, I'm sorry dean do you want to help me get heavy books out of a dusty closet?" I asked with a sarcastic smile 

he paused and looked at Seamus, then back to me "No..."

"Seamus, do you want to help me get heavy books out of a dusty closet?" I asked, looking at him 

"no," he said, hiding a smile  

"that's what I thought" I chuckled 

"dean I don't understand why you think we are together," Neville said, smiling as he put a hand on my shoulder

"you guys have so much romantic tension between you two!" he said, pointing at us out of frustration

"yes we are practically ripping off each other's clothes, aren't we?" I said, patting Neville's chest "let's go get those books, see you guys later!" I said as I started to walk towards my classroom, Neville following soon after.

"do you think we are being a little mean?" he asked with a chuckle 

"yeah, possibly," I said, opening the door to my classroom

"eh, he will live," Neville said, closing the door and kissing me. he held my face gently as I giggled 

"Is this what you thought I meant by helping me with heavy books?" I asked, kissing him back

"is it not?"

"no no it definitely is, but I also do need to get some heavy books down" I laughed, holding his tie in my hand so I could pull him closer to me. 

"I hate...not being in....public," he said in between kisses. I giggled and let go of his tie and walking towards my room "I know, why don't you come to my house for the summer in America? at least for a little it's right on the beach and-" he kissed me again 

 "I'd love to" he smiled at me and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear "you cute today," he said, looking over my simple outfit and sitting on the couch in my room. 

I plopped down next to him and put my head in his lap, closing my eyes "It's just overalls, I look like a gardener" I chuckled as he started to run his fingers through my hair "that's why I like it..." he mumbled 

"of course you do, nerd" I teased 

I loved being with Neville. I somehow simultaneously felt like we've been married for years and like we are schoolchildren who just started dating. he made me so comfortable, but still gave me butterflies in my stomach. I grabbed his open hand and fiddled with the rings that wore on his thumb, index and ring fingers. 


"yes, love?" 

"you having fun there?" he asked with a chuckle

"Absolutely," I said, snickering. 

"I'm so glad, darling," he said, looking down at me fondly 

"stop looking at me like that," I said, covering his eyes

"like what?"

"you know what."

"like you're the most beautiful thing on earth? Like you're the moon, the sun, and the stars?" he asked

I rolled my eyes, a blush appearing on my cheeks "shut up, Longbottom, don't get all sappy on me" I said, sitting up and putting my legs in his lap. 

he smiled at me and rubbed my calves. "no let me be sappy, c'mere!" he said, grabbing my waist and pulling me into his lap. 

"No no let go of me!" I laughed, pushing him off with my right hand. he pulled me closer, laughing with me as he held me to his chest. 

"professor lupin? professor?" a voice called from outside my door.

my eyes widened "quiet" I said, pointing at him. I gave him a gentle kiss and then got up, leaving my room. I quickly shut the door behind me 

"ah. Fred Weasley" I said with a chuckle "what can I do for you?" I asked with a smile 

"uh I was having trouble with expelliarmus" he said sheepishly

I quickly dealt with him and went back to Neville, shutting the door and leaning my back against the door and looking at Neville with a smile 

"Hi handsome" I grinned 

Papers, Plants, and the Herbology Professor -Neville LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now