Marriage Mistakes (KarlNap)

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A/N: Hello! I meant to write a chapter last night, but I ended up hanging out with my cousins and my friend, and didn't get back until about 2 in the morning. It's already late when I started writing, so I can try and upload two more tomorrow to make up for it. Gah, I never thought it would be this hard 😅. In all of these, I'll have a song at the top. You can listen to it if you want, it won't match up with the reading because... well, everyone reads at a different pace, and so yeah. But I started putting songs at the top and lyrics in the writing. If I don't like how it works on this chapter, then I'll try the next one. If I don't like it I'll drop it. Also, since I couldn't come up with any ideas, I just wrote down a list of ships and songs and let my family pick. I'll post them l8r maybe and let u guys pick. Enjoy!

Karl and Sapnap have liked each other for a while now, but no one knows. They are nervous about how they other feels. Eventually, Karl musters up enough courage to tell Sap, but it's too late. Or so he thinks...

(I am just going to change ages every chapter. Just stick with me here. Also, I know that Karl is taller and older than Sap, but for right now, he's not.)

I didn't want to write out all the names, so everyone is 18. Don't judge. I'm lazy.

Crying (?)
Capital Letters (?)
My logic
Cyber Bullying (best to explain it)
Panic Attack
Mild Swearing

Lyrics are written like this, some of which may be said aloud when the person is talking.

3rd person, revolving around Karl
"STOP!" Karl yelled, laughing as his friend chased him, sword in hand, around their Minecraft world.

"No! Not until you give me my armor back!" Sapnap yelled, hitting him again. Karl glanced down at his hearts. Three were red, the rest uncolored.

"I can't give them back to you if you kill me!" "Then I'm just going to have to take them!" Sapnap hit him a final time, Karl's screen darkening and in large letters read:

You died!
Score: 63
Title screen

"SAPNAP!" He screeched, respawning far from where he died. "Are you serious?! I had 63 levels!" "Not my fault. You still could've had them if you didn't take my armor."

Karl ran back, picking his stuff off the ground that Sapnap had dropped. "I hate you." Karl pouted, running away from the boy who'd killed him. "No you don't. You love me." "No, I hate you." "Fine then. I hate you too."

They were silent for a few seconds until Karl started laughing. "I don't hate you anymore." "Well I still hate you." "Awwww! Is Baby SnapMap mad?" He heard Sapnap scoff on the other line. "I hate that name." "I know." Karl smiled, not knowing if Sap could see it or not.

'What if he's watching my stream? No, why would he be watching my stream. But what if he is? What if...' Karl's train of thought was cut off by someone yelling his name. "Karl~. I don't hate you anymore. Can you answer my question now?"

Karl shook his head, his face heating up from embarrassment. "Whoops. Yeah, what is it?" "God you're hopeless. I asked if our wedding was still on for tomorrow."

Karl stared at his stream in confusion. "Uh, wedding?" "Yeah. Fundy and Dream had theirs, and so I thought that we could have one as well!" Karl thought back, receiving a few memories of talking about it.

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