Mesozoic - Part 1

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A/N: hi. I'm happi today. I didn't have school, and I get to customize a phone case for my cousin. He said anything with Dream on it. Also, if you guys don't know, the Mesozoic is a time Era in the world, and it was when Dinosaurs were alive. I love dinosaurs! Go watch all the Jurassic Parks and Jurassic Worlds if you have not! They are awesome! Or don't, because I have no clue who you are or what you like. That's just my opinion. And also, I am changing the dinos. They are all going to be bigger than humans. Well, not all of them, but pterodactyls are. So yeah. Anyway:

Time Traveling (?)
Little Bit Of Blood
Sharp Objects (?)
Mild Cursing

I think for every chapter, Imma just have them all be the same age: 20. And then same heights from last chapter, which if you didn't read are here:

Dream: 6'3
George: 5'9
Sapnap: 6'1
Karl: 5'9
Bad: 6'2

Sorry if you guys feel like I write about these four (Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl) more than anyone else. For me, it's kinda difficult to have a lot of people in the stories, so I stick with at most five main people, and everyone else is just kinda background characters. And these four are four of my top favorite (Bad is also a top favorite, even if I may curse a little), so yeah. I'll try to do more people that I haven't done, but enjoy.

3rd Person

Everyone was bored. Dream, George, Sapnap, and Karl were wandering around L'Manberg, bored out of their minds. Almost nobody was outside, except for Bad, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Phil. Ranboo and Tubbo were doing something together, none of the four active enough to go see what. For all they know, the two could be planning to nuke their houses or something.

Phil was wandering around the place, visiting everyone who wasn't yet asleep, as well as taking care of Friend (my AU, nothing is blown up), Wilbur texting him every so often to see if they were okay. Bad was adding some decorations to his and Skeppy's mansion. (For some reason while I was writing, I tried to write Spekky instead of Skeppy...)

"Let's go mess with Bad."

The words that started this entire thing.


No, it's not over yet. I'm not that lazy.

Sapnap POV

"Let's go mess with Bad." George said as we rounded the community house for the fifth time. I nodded, along with Dream and Karl. George ran ahead, leading the way to the mansion.

When we got there, it seemed as though nothing had changed. Everything was the same. "I though he was supposed to be adding decorations?" I said, looking around.

Dream shrugged. "Who knows. Decorations could mean going to the store and buying a bag of muffins or something for Bad." Everyone laughed as we walked toward the doors of the mansion.

Inside was quiet. We all looked around for some hint of where the angle/demon boy was. Suddenly I heard humming, whipping my head around as I shoved everyone into a closet.

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