Marriage Mistakes Part 2 (KarlNap)

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A/N: Hya!! I decided to post early today so I can finish everything in my day, then maybe post another later tonight! Today I let my sister's boyfriend pick, and it's another KarlNap but What Makes You Beautiful. Because it was KarlNap, I just decided to make this a part two of the last chapter. So... Yeah! Enjoy! Anyway:

Mild Cursing
Singing (?)

They are all still 18.

3rd Person - Sapnap
Sapnap had started streaming again, though it was pretty rare. Majority of his chat had already seen what went down at the rescheduled wedding, but some people were still asking 'Where's Karl?'.

Sapnap sighed. "Unfortunately, there was a turn of events at the second wedding. You guys remember my friend, Liam?" His chat filled up with tons of yes.

"Well, it turns out that not all friends last as long as you think. He betrayed us. He betrayed me chat. He ruined the wedding." His chat started awing. "And now Karl won't talk. Chat, I feel bad."

Sapnap's chat started saying stuff like 'Don't worry' and 'It's not your fault'. Sapnap leaned back in his chair, only moving back to his desk when he received a donation.

"It's not your fault. Aww, you didn't have to donate the $20 just to say that, but thank you K-" Sapnap went silent as he reread the name. Even his chat stopped spamming. "Karl?"

3rd Person - Karl
Karl noticed that Sapnap was streaming for the first time in a while. Not even just for him, but nobody had streamed since the wedding. Sapnap was the first. Karl decided to hop on just for a few minutes, quick enough for him to see what Sapnap was doing, but not long enough for Sapnap to notice.

He clicked on the link, joining in almost immediately. According to the time, he'd been streaming for about 10 minutes now. Karl noticed the chat was spamming where he was. "Unfortunately there was a turn of events at the second wedding. You remember my friend, Liam?"

Karl tuned out to the rest of what he was saying, not wanting to be reminded of it at all, though the day played in his head like a movie on the big screen.

Eventually Karl tuned back in to hear Sapnap say, "And Karl won't talk. Chat, I feel bad." Karl's heart spiked. Why did Sapnap feel bad? He didn't have anything to do with any of it. He didn't want his friend feeling like it was his fault.

Before he even realized what he was doing, Karl sent a $20 dollar donation to Sapnap, which read, simply, 'It's not your fault'. He stared at his screen, seeing it pop up on Sapnap's. "It's not your fault. Aww, you didn't have to donate $20 just to say that, but thank you K-"

Everything went silent. Karl didn't know whether to leave or see his friends reaction. The chat had stopped typing, probably shocked. his phone buzzed.

'Karl? You're on my stream?' He hesitated to respond. 'Yeah...' Almost immediately after he responded, Sapnap said a quick goodbye to his fans, ending the stream. Karl's phone started ringing about a second later. He cautiously answered.

"Hell-" "KARL!! HOLY CRAL, YOU'RE OKAY!!" Karl couldn't help but giggle at the boy's antics. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" "You haven't been streaming. You haven't been on Minecraft. You haven't responded to anyone. Heck, you haven't even been to the studio. Are you okay?"

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