Chapter 6

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when the magisterium zeppelin landed, three men came into lyra's room and two of them took her by her small arms. they dragged the girl outside, the winds of the white north were terribly wild, the snow was deep and cold enough for lyra's body to get completely wet so one of them gave her an old, rusty blanket. they took her to the room, where some doctors measured dust.

mrs coulter screamed in panic as she saw the horrid sight before her sour, puffy eyes, the monkey peaked his head out in curiosity and fear, delicate snowflakes now rapidly landing on his fur, he was shaking from the cold weather and the numbness "ASREIL, GO FASTER DAMN IT, YOU IDIOT" she violently kicked his back from behind and kept screaming and crying loudly in panic, asriel probably hadn't seen her in such fragile, broken state before, but for once she didn't care about asriel what he might think of her. she only wanted to save her sweet daughter. when they reached her station she got off the big snow bike, completely ignoring asriel, and rushed inside from the back doors that weren't guarded 'such idiots' marisa came to think in a seconds time as she ran inside, she was quite unsteady on her feet but she couldn't give up, she couldn't give lyra up. a weary marisa reached the room of her own separation machine to see a frightened lyra inside.

Lyra tugged the blanket closer to her, it was too much. She whispered, trying to calm herself. The beating, the cold. It was all too much, the guards grabbed pan from her bag and shoved him in one side of the cage, they tossed lyra into the other side of the cage, she hit her head and groaned, she'd lost a bit of weight, she was cold, hurt, and her head bleeding slightly, she didn't see Marisa, but she could see Pans almost lifeless form. They started turning on the machine, the blade slowly coming down, each sob felt like it was breaking her ribs over and over again. Her fingers grabbed the cage, her tears clouding her vision. "p... Pan" she whispered.

Asriel frowned, he was a bit concerned, her emotions were going to her in the way. He knew now, Marisa had to be removed. Killed. He nodded and sped up, running inside, he let her go by herself. Running away to get the next part of his plan ready. He got back on the snow bike. "asriel..." she frowned, stelmaria didn't agree with this. He nodded and drove to the front gate, hiding in the shadows.

mrs coulter noticed a guard and before he could recognize the woman or even take a quick breath, she brutally snapped his neck, he fell to the floor as his daemon turned to dust. marisa immediately kneeled down to take his loaded gun. she grabbed the dangerous, metallic object and in just a few seconds shot three men from the magisterium and then this weird looking doctor with a fox daemon, whom used to work for her. the woman shot down the power of the daemon separation machine just in time, she was almost too late but she did it, she saved her daughter. there were no people in this room so she let herself cry in front of lyra. but then she came to a realization that there were many guards right outside the station and she had to be quick, she needed to move lyra and get out of this pit of madness before it was too late. lyra's mother stepped closer to her daughter, her golden monkey already reaching for the girl's daemon in the form of a pine marten, who was weakly lying in the horrible cage but then she heard a man's footsteps from behind.

Lyras hearing wasn't great, but it was there, the gunshots echoed through the hallways. She opened her eyes, crying still, she could see the top of the slicer, her fingers weakly scratching at the cage, her fingernails bleeding. She then heard the machine power down, she could only see a little, she turned her head on the floor, almost lying in a pool of her own blood, she swallowed painfully and croaked "" a weak smile left her, she didn't care what the magestirium was like and if Mrs Coulter was involved, she was the reason she was alive, and she still cared. She saw a little golden blur, her body shaking from the cold, she cried out trying to get closer to Marisa.

Asriel shut the door. "stop Marisa, it's over" he said, he walked closer to Marisa, a knife in the pocket of his coat. "let her go... I need her. But not for love" his daemon was growling viciously behind him. He put a hand on her waist and kissed her cheek. "i truly am sorry..."

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