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"Xander! Lucas!" the angel called out as loud as she could and as if her husbands had been waiting for her call, they barged in looking with concern and worry.

"What happened Evelyn" they both said in unison

"LOOK!" Evelyn said, still softer than she had intended. Somehow she could never be as loud as she would have wished. She had a naturally soft voice, but that was never a problem for her lovable husbands.

"Look at what honey" Xander asked confused while Evelyn looked at him in disbelief

"The dress!" she said pointing at the 2 beautiful dresses hanging in the closet

"What about the dress baby" Lucas questioned still highly confused

"I can't choose" Evelyn said as if it were the biggest problem in the world

Her 2 husbands looked at her in disbelief

"Stop looking at me like that I really can't choose" Evelyn huffed while pouting

The  boys couldn't decide whether to be mad at their wife for scaring them like that or laugh at how adorable she was being. Concluding that they could never be mad at their precious they busted out laughing

"don't laugh and help me decide" the angel huffed, whining

"your wish is our command" the loving husbands said in unison which made their little wife smile brightly

"Ok so this one or this one" the wife said holding up the 2 dresses with both her hands so one is on her left side while the other on her right

the brothers hummed as if making the biggest decision of their lifetime

"that one" they said in unison while pointing to their wife

"silly I can't wear my night gown to the museum" she said giggling at how dumb her hubbys were being

"well we could stay in and I could show you the things in my museum"  Lucas said smirking

"you have a museum?" his wife said innocently which led to her husbands busting out laughing again

"why are you laughing again" the wife asked confused

"because our little wife is too innocent for her own good" Alexander said caressing his wife's cheek gently

"am not!" the wife protested

"whatever you say my queen" the boys said not wanting to  make their wife mad

"as you should, now help me pick which dress" their wife said sassily

"yes your majesty"
Evelyn POV

After hours of bickering over which dress is better they concluded with and I quote "Evelyn looks too good in everything. The dresses don't deserve her" Never am I letting my husbands choose a dress for me again. IT'S BEEN 4 HOURS! 

"I'll surprise you two now go and get ready or else we are gonna be late" I said to my 2 husbands while pushing them both out, however to my disappointment, the 2 huge man didn't budge the slightest

"What are my husbands made of? Steal?!"

"No honey we are made of your love"  Lucas said dramatically, teasing me while I just stood there in shock.
Author POV

"D-did i say t-that-" Evelyn stuttered in embarrassment. Before she could even finish her sentence, her 2 husbands nodded chuckling at their precious wife

"There's no need to be shy honey but shouldn't you know best what lies beneath these clothes" Xander says, coming closer than he already was to his wife, snaking his big hands on her tiny waist. They were so close Evelyn could feel his heartbeat or was it her own? Guess we'll never know

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