Ner 3

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Zam, Rori, Reat, and Juli went home and the king told them that they had a mission that mission is to kill Guilo, king of the Zern kingdom, Reat refused and told him ''I don't want to kill anyone anymore". They were also told that they would'nt have money until they kill Guilo.

They were walking to zern kingdom Reat told Juli that they should leave frendon komgdom and ask Guilo from zern kingdom to assist them to kill King Biul of the frendon Kingdom "This kingdom you love Zak will someday kill you or even worst they will manipulate you"

Juli did not listen and told Reat "No matter what happen all we had to do is trust the king" Reat suggested to Zam and  Rori that they should leave the kingdom Zam said that he will stay while Rori said "All of us should leave this kingdom this kingdom is rotten one day we will destroy ot maybe just maybe this kingdom has Killed Nilo".

Juli and Zam arrived at the mission and they found Him one of Giulio's guard Juli attack "Spear of the light" The spear attack split into three and went in the same direction surprising  Him was able to dodge but he couldn't dodge Zams attack "Sword of despair" The sword attack slash one time and the second time the attack was two times stronger they successfully defeated Him.

Lini arrived Lini attack them with his magic "Wind Kick" his kick multiplied each time he kicks Zam and Juli was easily defeated by this attack While Juli was unconscious Zam tried to attack for the last time before he falls to the ground "Sword Lightning".

the sword attack has four slashes and is was fast but the attack was blocked by Lini and Lini attack them with "Three Wind Kick" It was the same attack but this time it was multiplied by three times each time and Zam drop.

While that was happening Reat and Rori trained they regret no having Zam and Juli come with them someday they will save them.

Zam and Juli was treated by the Fredom kingdom both of them have terrible wound from the fight with Lini.

Zam opened his eyes and slowly look at the medic he then told the medic that "I wanted this medicine to be given to Juli" but the medic look at him and said "I'm sorry but this is the order by King Bual" he injected Zam,

Zam did not know what it was but he remembered seeing a yellow liquid it goes through his body it felt like lightning Zam screamed in pain.

Zam and Juli wake up and was force to train with Jack and the others, Jack and the other was an expermient by Koin the medic erlier.

After two years have passed Reat and Rori went to the frendom kingdom they are now on a mission to kill King Bual and queen Biun Zam finally meets Rori on the gates with Juli and one other person

Ner (The Four Kingdom) Rori AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now