Ner 1

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"It has been five years since that incident happened huh" Zam continuously talking to a Bird making eye contact with it outside the window on an apple tree in front of him while sitting on a comfortable wooden chair.

"Zam let's go let's find him right now it will be bad if we don't find him we've been looking for him for ten days straight now" says Juli while holding his favourite spear, Zam then picks up his sword and shouted "I'm coming Juli, Please wait for me at the front door.

Juli then waits about fifteen minutes for Zam to finish, After zam finished changing clothes and cleaned his room he then asks Juli a question

"Why are you helping me Juli?" Juli respoded with genuine smile "That is because you are my fried".

About 5 hours later,Zam then asked "Juli Where are we going again", Juli responded, " Are you a dumbass we are here to find Rori". Zam then remembered, and replied, "oh right we were going to meet Rori who saved both of us five years ago".

Zam asked Juli if he still remembered that day five years ago. Juli looked directly into Zams eyes and said " As long as i lived i will never forget our saviour".

Zam suddenly stops and hears some footsteps, Zam silently pulls his sword out he then suddenly attacks a rock in front of him. The rock was torn into pieces and suddenly there was someone who showed up while aiming the bow at them and before Juli could even react he was hit at his left arm.

The archer asked, "You people who are you?, I have never seen you here before, What do you want from me!?".

Juli responded, "we are a part of a group called Ner we are serving the kingdom" I am Juli Bronewl and the guy with a sword name is Zam Klie

We were looking for a person named Rori. "Then why did I destroy my rock my home" The archer responded with grief. Zam replied "it was my fault I thought there was an enemy spy I should have looked first before attacking your house, I am very sorry"

"I'm Reat,just Reat i am an Archer and a King" Zam responded "Nice to meet and im very sorry" Zam then put his sword back. Zam tells Reat "If you want you can join Ner there are plenty of good food and a nice place there".

Reat was amazed and responded with a deep voice "Well i give it a try, so sure why not" Clears throats "I mean sure but for one reason make me the king of the country"

Zam replied with disappointed "Well you cant become a King because i will become a King"

Reat gave Zam a smile "Well then let's see who becomes the King"
"So where are we going" asked Reat

"We are going to find Rori" responded Juli
"Why? and Who is that?" asked Reat

"Rori is the person that saved both me and Juli" responded Zam

Reat was so confused and asked what happened five years ago, Zam then responded I will tell you that someday for now let's focused on finding Rori. Reat then replies "Sure"

Right infront of them they were there was a guy who was fighting a Guard from Zern kingdom. "Why won't you let me in dammit" the guy wearing a black jacket,green t-shirt,blue long pants, a long black bangs
and a brown eyes.

The guard replied "I can't, kids are not allowed", The guy was angry and began to attack the guard. Shooting Star as the guard was drop to the ground filled with blood. "That's what you get for not letting me in," says Rori. Zam was so shocked that the guy they were looking for is right in front of their eyes. Juli then shouted, "Rori Blendon Croven the guy we are looking for".

Rori responded "who are you guys how did you know my name". Zam then replies with a smile and says to Rori "it's been a long time since I've seen you", as he runs toward Rori.

Juli then stops Zam and says "didn't you see him kill that guard we can't be sure if we can trust him or not". Reat then ran towards Rori with a Bow as he suddenly shot him with an arrow and it hit his left arm, as Rori was shielding his hand Rori didn't feel anything.

Juli then attacks Rori and says his special attack with the spear " Spear of Earth" Rori then proceeds to block his attack with 2 swords and says "Shield of lost land".

Zam was so confused that they are shouting their attack with a tiny bit of special effect and it looks like it was just a normal slash and block to him.

The guard then suddenly stood up and was surprised that he lost a lot of blood, Zam then went to the guard and asked him if he was ok the guard then replied "ah yes kid I'm okay I'm not hurt not even a little bit let me tell you a secret I'm the king of Zern Kingdom".

Zam then looks back and watches the fight and ignores him, The guard then asks Zam what his name was and Zam replied "I am a member of the Ner group and you are?" Then I responded, "I'm Guilo nice to meet you".

Reat then says his special attack Ultimate arrow to attack both Juli and Rori was knocked out and was unconscious. Zam then carries both Juli and Rori to a restaurant at the back of the place they were fighting to. Then the guard waved goodbye to Zam and muttered "we are going to meet again Zam the little brother of Zack."

Zam Kile Noic it was you that guy was you along with your brother Zack and 2 other people as the guard muttered.

It's been 5 hours. Rori has woken up and asks what happened?. Zam then says that he was dropped unconscious, As Rori was shocked and replied "there is no possible way a guy like him can drop me".

Zam replied that his feet and drop as his head drops to the ground, As they continue to talk Juli wakes up and says why is that guy here he's a killer.

Zam then replied that the guard was ok and to be more accurate he didn't even feel a thing Juli responded "That does not change a thing he is still a killer. Rori then asked who was the guy who shot him. Juli replied oh that guy he's Reat, that guy over there.

Zam then asked Rori what was he doing at the entrance of the Broci Mountain as Juli went outside and went to talk to Reat. Rori then replied, "I want to find my older brother ". Zam asked "why?" Rori replied "you will know soon enough", As the two of them talk for hours about their life after that incident.

Juli then asked Reat "you were that strong why did you keep it a secret".

Reat then replied, "I didn't keep it a secret I just don't want to show off".

The both of them went to the Mountains and asked the guard "Can we go inside" the guard replied of course you can this Guard is one of Guilo's men Juli was then suspicious that why didn't let Rori go inside and ket them in just like that. Juli and Reat went inside the Mansion and were trapped inside then said "goodbye and had fun in hell" as he burned the place down.

Zam then saw the fire in the mountain and told Road that they should get there as fast as they can, as they ran through the mountain they saw a guy walking it seemed like he was a guard. "Huh isn't Zam the demon inside a human," the guard seems, new to this place and he heard the rumors about Zam,

Rori he slices him down, and both Rori and Zam went to the Mansion and Zam the began to shout his special attack "Sword slash" as the fire disappear without leaving a trace and the door breaks in half. Reat then shouted "behind you" as Guilo dropped Zam unconscious.

Rori, Juli, and Reat then began to shield themselves as Guilo attacked them.

Reat then began to say his special attack "Unlimited arrow" As Juli shouted his special attack Demon slash, Rori then said his special attack "Fall of Heaven". Guilo attacks them with a norman slash. All of Ruri, Juli and Reat attack combined as it clashes with Guilo attack.

The three of them was out of stamina and drop as Guilo was still standing Zam then woke up and asked Guilo why he attacks them.

Guilo then replied "it was your brother Zack who killed my brother Zam but that does not matter, I just want to have fun fighting" as Zam shouted his Special attack Storm Poison and Guilo proceed to do the same he slash with all the streght he has as the both of their attack clash together Guilo then drops and Zam then tells Guilo, "I'm very sorry I should have stopped my brother from killing your brother".

"No that's okay It was his fault for being careless" small bit of teardrop on Guilo eyes.

Zam then had a flashback of what happend five years ago

Ner (The Four Kingdom) Rori AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now