Ner 6

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"Hey, Reat are were going to be ok without Zam and Juli" Rori made eye contact with Reat "Don't worry everything will be alright we would'nt die, out goal is to save Zam from brainwashing" says Juli
Rori forced a smile and continue walking

"Let's save everyone let's save both Zam and Juli" Reat responded with a little tear in his eyes "This feeling this is the same feeling when i felt something strange is going to happen in the near future"

While both of them started running to Zern kingdom they bump suddenly the kid talk like an old mam "Hey watch where you going" says the kid made eye contact with them and suddenly attack

"Suppa attack" that attack was just a normal punch "Flame of the Sun" Rori attack Hans but was blocked by Reat "Hey you can't just kill a kid" Rori responded "Reat that isn't a kid i mean look at him do you think that's a kid" Reat then asked the kid "Hey where are you, parents? what is your name?" The kid responded while making a cool pose "I am the mighty hero Hans the Rock".

Reat then proceed to attack Hans "Hey i asking a question here do you want to die" This frightens Hans and he look at the opposite direction making a run position "Hey where do you think your going huh" Rori was to scared of Reat he did'nt bother interrupt.

"Hey you why don't you join us" says Reat to Hans Rori interrupt "Hey Reat you can't just invite an unknown kid I mean to look at him he looks weak maybe not even a minute he will already die" Hans looks at Rori with anger "Hey I am the mighty hero Hans the rock I won't die that easily".

Rori prepared to attack "Then if you can dodge or block this might i change my mind" Rori attack "Fire Sword" That attack almost killed Hans but he was able to dodge somehow.

"I never said it will only be one attack"Rori prepares to attack "Multiple Sword Slash"This attack made Hans surrender but he still blocks it.

Hans was out of breath "See i told you i the mighty hans can block-"
Hans dropped uncounsious "Hey Rori don't you think that was going a bit far" Rori respond "The second attack was just an illusion, I'm suprised he blocks it even though he could have run away from us let's make him join us if that is ok" Reat suddenly was joyful "Yeah yeah let's make him stronger than both of us" Rori replied with unamzed look "Sure but we should protect him".

Ner (The Four Kingdom) Rori AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now