Chapter III: Oben

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"Jump to Light-Speed R1. All systems are go. Wild Space. Yes, I know It's a far one, but I think we can make it in one jump. Don't question me! Just make the jump R1! I said Do it. Thank you Zoe. What, not used to me calling you by your name? Oh God... I'm talking to a droid..." Traya realized after the conversation with his astromech droid R1-Z03, or Zoe. It'd been a while since their last mission, and they didn't want to mess it up.

Finally, after a quick Light Speed jump, the duo made it to Wild Space. Traya piloted by himself to Oben. His Master had told him to bring no witnesses, and leave none, so Zoe stayed with the ship. The spies' information had told Traya that the group was hidden in an abandoned building from the first Kaleesh settlement on the planet. Traya arrived at the city and put his cloak up over his face. Slowly, he strolled along in the city until he found a building that had a strong node of the Light Side emanating from it. He stepped into the building, ready to draw his saber at any moment. Suddenly, he heard a faint buzzing... An alarm!

"Oh, no... Looks like I will be getting some dueling practice today after all..." Traya muttered. He waited silently until he heard light footsteps around the corner. He jumped out, a single scarlet bladed lightsaber in hand. Quickly disarming his opponent with ease, he whispered,

"How many of you are there?" With no reply from his hostage, Darth Traya thrust his blade through his opponent's chest. The young one's lightsaber wasn't even a true one, simply a training saber. Suddenly, Traya felt a sting on his leg. Trained to withstand even a blaster bolt in the leg, Traya turned around, and with rage filled eyes snapped the young boy's neck with his mind.

"Too easy!" He thought. He continued along the pathway until he reached a room. With a quick Force push, he blew through the rocks in the way. Stepping inside of this room, he saw something he didn't expect: Two Padawans, each wielding a double bladed lightsaber, on either side of an old man, most likely their Master.

"So I see a Sith has come and broken into our home boys. Take him out, he's probably just a rouge Sith," The old man stated.

"You underestimate my power Jedi," Traya challenged. The Master ignored him, and walked away to let the two boys do the dirty work. Traya drew his second saber and taunted the two boys to come and fight. They were scared to death of him. Traya leaped into the air and kicked one of the boys onto the ground, and put a foo on his chest. He gripped the other boy's throat with the Force.

"Come out or the boys die, Old Man!" Traya shouted, "Nothing? Really? Alright then!" One boy dropped dead to the floor, out of air, and the other ended up with two blades through his heart. Traya sprinted across the room, straight through the doors, and almost directly into the Old Man's lightsaber blade.

"Fine then, you wish to fight? You kill my Padawans? SO BE IT FOOL!" The Old Man yelled.

"Fine by me Jedi. Prepare to be vanquished!" Traya said confidently. Immediately, A long stream of lightning burst from the Sith Lord's fingertips. Traya was too quick for the frail old Jedi Master, and the man was engulfed in the lightning. Unable to control himself, he kept on going, until the old man couldn't take it. At that point, Traya stopped and stared. After debating the worth of this man's life, he finally took his two sabers and beheaded the Old Jedi.

"Five down, too many to go,"

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