Chapter VII: Kento Marek

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"Kashyyyk? Master, all there is on Kashyyyk is Wookies! What could you have against Wookies?" Traya asked.

"Nothing- the attack is simply a front. In reality there is a Jedi Knight living on the planet- Kento Marek. Kill him, and Kashyyyk is truly ours," The Emperor replied.

"As you wish, my Master," Lord Traya finished. The hologram of his Master faded away. Traya had heard of Kento Marek during the Clone Wars. Kento and his lover Mallie had abandoned the Jedi Order in order to marry, and had never been killed during Order 66 or the Purge. Rumor was that a group of Trandoshans had killed Mallie, and that was how the Emperor's spies had discovered Kento's location. Kento would be an easy kill, he was only a Jedi Knight. 

"Zoe! Prepare the ship, we'll be following an Imperial Fleet to Kashyyyk," Traya yelled to the droid. After a reply of a few boops and bleeps, Traya ran to his ship. He watched the Fleet in the distance.

"GO! We can't get left behind!" Traya shouted. He jumped into the cockpit and they jumped to hyperspace as soon as they were out of orbit. They arrived outside of Kashyyyk. The ship landed next to the Fleet, and they saw the army of stormtroopers marching out, shooting each Wookie on sight. Looking away, Traya told R1 to orbit the ship and return on command. He then sneaked away from the army and tried to locate the young Jedi Knight. a few hours later, he saw a small skirmish in a clearing. Stormtroopers were being decimated by some being. There was a hut nearby. Traya got a good look at the skirmish and saw a human.

"Marek! I knew I'd find you," Traya said with an evil grin on his face. He jumped into the clearing and killed the stormtroopers that were fighting the Jedi. 

"Thank you stranger. I was starting to... Oh, no," The Jedi said as he realized who Traya was.

"I'm going to be brutally honest with you Kento. I've been sent here to murder you. And I'm excited, you'll be an easy kill," Traya calmly said. 

"Please, Sith Lord, spare me! I have a young boy!" Kento argued.

"Never," Traya shouted. He drew his lightsaber as a scare, but used lighning to disarm his opponent. Kento fell on the ground, pleading with Traya to spare his son. Traya ignored him and brought his lightsaber right next to the man's chest and stabbed. Kento's fighting body limply dropped, and Traya stopped the stream of lightning. He slowly stepped into the hut. A group of stormtroopers walked in behind him.

"Lord Traya," One of the officers began, "look! It's... a boy,"

"I see him. Do what you wish. Just make sure he dies," Traya commanded.

"Yes Lord Traya," The officer responded. He left the hut and heard five blasters shooting from the inside.

"Zoe, I'm done. Find me and pick me up," Traya requested. The ship landed next to him three minutes later, and he jumped in.


The Emperor was alone this time. He heard reports from his spies that Traya had successfully killed Kento Marek, and his son Galen. It was a smart move to kill the boy, he was dangerous. The Emperor hit a button on his chair that called his spies.

"Have you found Faalo yet?" He inquired. A simple reply: No. Enraged, the Emperor smashed the button with his fist, ending the communication. If Faalo wasn't killed soon, Traya would be taken back to the Jedi. That could not be allowed to happen.

That would be the end of the Empire.

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