Chapter VIII: Palpatine's Mission

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"My apprentice. It is time for you to rest. You have done extremely well in your missions, but you deserve to take a break. We have taken over Naboo, go on a vacation there with my guards.  It will be nice. Good bye Darth Traya," The Emperor finished. His apprentice was in danger. If Faalo got a hold of him, he would surely be taken back to the Light Side. No doubt about it. Luckily for him, his spies had located Faalo on Centax-3. He was obviously trying to edge closer to Traya, so he needed to be destroyed. 

"Somebody get my shuttle ready, we're taking a short trip to Centax-3," Palpatine ordered. It was easy being in charge. He'd been in charge even before the war, as Supreme Chancellor, but Emperor had a far better sound to it. If you were in charge, you could rule and have other people do the dirty work for you. It was the greatest life there was. 

Palpatine's thoughts were interrupted by the pilot, telling him that the had arrived on Centax-3. The shuttle's door opened up, revealing the Emperor and his guards. First walked the Red cloaked men, then out came Palpatine himself. He looked around. All he could see was a single cantina and a few houses scattered about. Life here wasn't really life at all, just a place to live if you were banished from Coruscant. 

"We shall go to the cantina and ask about Faalo," Palpatine stated. Of course, the guards listened. They walked with him to the cantina, where he told them he was fine from there.  He entered the cantina.

"Has anyone here heard of... Vo'ren Faalo?" Palpatine questioned. Everyone went silent after seeing who he was. A few men drew their blasters. A women spoke up.

"Yes, Emperor Palpatine. He lives here on this planet. The house next door to this very cantina," the woman answered.

"Thank you dear. You have helped the empire find its greatest foe," Palpatine replied. He could sense the Force in that woman, but he let her go for now. If they crossed paths again, he'd do something about her. He opened the door to the house Faalo was said to live in. There was a strong entity of the Force nearby. Very strong. Suddenly there was a burst of light. Palpatine fell to his knees, unable to see anything.

"Palpatine! Do you know what you've done by turning the Chosen One to your side? You've destroyed the Balance in the Force! Now, as a Sith, he cannot bring Balance! Turn him over or DIE!" Faalo's voice shouted.

"You will try... And you will FAIL!" Palpatine shouted, ripping through the light with darkness. He drew his lightsaber and jumped. Faalo was laying on the ground, overthrown by Palpatine's sheer power. 

"You stand no chance, Jedi," Palpatine said quietly, "Surrender now or fight me,"

"Just... Kill... Me," Faalo responded, running out of breath.

"As you wish," Palpatine whispered, slicing his victim's head from his body.

"The Dark Side owns Zoda now. You fools shall never have him," Palpatine said to the dead Jedi,

"There is no hope,"

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