Chavter VI: Vo'ren Faalo, Part 2

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"Alright R1. We're going to need to go in silently. Did you install a cloaking device like I asked?" Traya asked Zoe, the reply was a few beeps, "Good. This is why I prefer you as a pilot and not some sentient being," Traya finished. The ship safely jumped to hyperspace, and they arrived in the Hoth System. 

"Zoe, I want you to orbit the ship around Hoth until I call for you. When I do, go at maximum speed to reach me. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I'm going to hop into space and use the Force to get me to the space station," Traya ordered the droid. Then, he pressed eject, and used the Force to protect him. He sped to the Space Station, just in time to see his ship go around the side of Hoth.

After he entered the Imperial space station, Traya had sneaked up behind two stormtroopers and killed them quickly using the Force. He put on their armor, but the helmet was slightly elevated by his horns. It'd be fine, he could just use a mind trick if anyone somehow became suspicious. He only had to take out eleven stormtroopers before an alarm sounded. All stormtroopers turned around and looked frantically for an intruder, and Traya ripped the armor off and launched lightning in all directions. twenty stormtroopers lay dead around him. One was running, probably to alert reinforcements. Traya threw his lightsaber, hitting the stormtrooper square in the heart. The lighsaber came back to him like a boomerang.

Traya heard a large explosion somewhere in the space station. 

"That must be Master Faalo," Traya thought. He cut a hole in the ceiling with both sabers and hopped up. Empty,

"They all must think the real threat is the Jedi..." Traya said out loud. He continued up until he reached the top. Then, he waited, meditating, for Master Faalo to detect the Dark Force in him and trip the trap. It didn't take long, he was very close to the source of the explosion. The Jedi walked slowly into the room. 

"I thought the Emporer was sending a Sith Lord for me, not you Zoda," Vo'ren said.

"I'm sorry, Master Faalo. I have to kill you. Also... they call me Traya now. Darth Traya," The Sith Lord finished.

"You know you can't defeat me Zoda. Stand down and rejoin me, together we can destroy the Emperor! The path of the Sith leads nowhere! Whatever he's telling you is lies!" Faalo argued.

"You don't seem to understand, Faalo. I AM the Sith! I kill to save people! The Jedi are the corrupted ones! Don't make me go through this again Master. Just surrender so I can kill you quickly. I don't want to have to fight you. But I have to, to avenge Kee'lon's death!" Traya yelled at the Jedi Master.

"Do you not see what happened Zoda? YOU killed Kee'lon! YOU and your Master sent the clones to kill us, and I had to do what I could to survive. I did use her to escape, but her death preserved the battlemaster! If she had a choice, she would've sacrificed herself anyways!" Faalo explained loudly.

"YOU KILLED HER!! COME AND FIGHT ME, YOU DESERVE TO DIE!!" Traya screamed with rage. He drew his sabers and lept at Master Faalo. Faalo had already drawn his saber, but couldn't block Zoda's kick. The old Jedi fell backwards on the floor, but jumped back up immediately. He pushed Traya back with the Force, and picked up his lightsaber. Then the duel began. Traya was a worthy match for the Jedi Master, and the man had a hard time blocking Traya's blows. The hatred that was built up inside of him was doing its work, and Traya suddenly did a front flip over his opponent and sliced off both of the Jedi's hands as he turned around.

"So you really are the worker of the Dark Side Zoda. I expected more from you boy. I sense nothing but darkness in your future boy... You must... Redeem yourself... You won this battle, but one day you will go in over your head. I wish you good luck, so long as you... rejoin.... the Jedi..." Vo'ren Faalo said with a deep breath, and fell over unconscious.

"Zoe... bring the ship around near the nuclear core. I'll be there in five minutes," Traya said into his comlink. He took a deep breath and jumped, landing with his fist on the floor, falling through each room until he reached the nuclear core. When he arrived there, he put a thermal detonator directly into the power source, with a one minute countdown.

"Zoe! Get the ship down here NOW!" Traya yelled loudly. Tray blew a hole in the wall and jumped, the ship'a cockpit opened and caught him as it flew near the Station. The duo flew away, and as Traya looked behind him, the top of the Station crashed into the planet, just as the entire structure exploded.

"Let's go Zoe, back home," Traya commanded. the droid jumped to hyperspace.


The Emperor stood with his guards. 
"He killed that Jedi. I didn't think he had it in him. I chose well. But Faalo still lives. We must find him before he finds Traya,"  The Sith said.

"That Jedi is the one man alive who can break my control over the boy,"

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