12 A day with Loki and a grown-up baby

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"Y/N, wake up" Nat said

You yawned "yeah?"

"We're leaving" Nat said.

"Okay..." You yawned again "Good luck" You opened your eyes and Nat was already gone.

You sighed and looked at the clock you had in your room. 5 am. You grunted. It was really hard for you to go back to sleep once you have woken up so you decided to go eat some breakfast.
You ate some cereals and decided to put on some music. You started singing and dancing all over the living room until it was 9 am and you decided to go babysit Loki.

You entered the room where Loki was supposed to be. He was sitting with his back on the glass of his cell. His back at you.

"Hi!" You said sitting on the floor looking at his back. He quickly turned around and sat looking at you.

"Good morning." He said "How are you?"

"I'm feeling better, my arms don't hurt at all. Thank you" You said smiling. "How are you?"
"Trapped in a cage, locked like an animal." He said. "I am feeling fine"

"I can try to convince Tony to let you leave the cell." You said

"Do not worry about me, love" He said. You slightly blushed. Then your face turned to a sad expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. Tony and Bruce found something weird in my brain. I think they know what it is because they were talking about it all the time with Thor." You said

"Thor? What does my brother know about brains?" Loki asked half-smiling half-worried

"I don't know but I heard them say something about destiny and that I will find out sooner or later," You told him

"What did they find in your brain?" Loki asked

"Wait, I have the picture in my room, Tony gave it to me." You said standing up and leaving.


You found the picture and went back to the room where Loki's cell was.

"Here," You said putting your brain's picture on the glass so Loki could see it. He gasped.
"What is it?" You asked him worried

"I'm sure it's not the thing I think it is but, there's a legend, about soulmates," Loki said.

"Soulmates? HA! Soulmates don't exist" You said laughing

"The legend says that only the people who are meant to be, have the same mark in their brains. Thor found his soulmate a month after you were banished." Loki said

"Who is it?"

"Lady Sif"

"I KNEW IT!" You exclaimed making Loki giggle.

"The thing about the marks is, they cannot change. Ever." Loki said

"Do you have one?" You asked him

"No." He replied sharply

"Can mortals have the mark?" You asked

"Everyone who was raised in Asgard has the mark," Loki replied

"What does the mark do?" You asked him

"Too many questions, dear," Loki said smiling.

You loved his smile, you could watch him smile all day.

"You love my smile?" Loki said.

"So you ARE reading my mind?" You exclaimed. "You promised!"

"Sorry, your thoughts are really loud and it's hard to ignore them." He replied

Teenage love [Loki x female reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें