29 Just a little bit late

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"What the fuc- Who are you?" You asked the men who were pointing guns at you.

"You were already warned, y/n," A familiar voice said, he took his hoodie off and let you see his face. He was the guy that came to the tower days before.

"What do you want?" You asked without showing any type of fear

"We've been waiting for you, for a long time now," Another man said, he, unlike the other one, didn't take his hoodie off, "Well, let's start from the begging, shall we?"

"You guys don't have much time, the Avengers will be here at any minute now," You said

"The Avengers? Oh... Wait... Are these people the ones you're talking about?" The man looked at another, who also had his hoodie off and this one showed you a video of the avengers in a cell.

Tony was inspecting the cell, Steve was almost crying, Natasha was kicking the wall with Bucky, Sam tried to contact Redwing, Bruce was asleep (you figured he had been injected with something), Clint was walking up and down, Wanda and Vision hugged while the girl cried and Thor was eating sadly his pop tarts and complaining.

"This is all her fault!" Tony yelled at Steve, "which makes it YOUR fault!"

"Guys, we've been over this," Nat started.

"It's her fault," Wanda sobbed.

"What's this?" you asked

"The people that are supposed to save you," The man said smirking, "Now, let's go in a comfy room to talk"
You weren't going to move but, two safeguards grabbed your arms and forced you into the tower.

They pushed you to the sofa and handcuffed you there. But not with regular handcuffs, with handcuffs that made you unable to use your magic.

"So, you probably don't know who we are, right?" The guy who came to warn you asked, you looked confused and shook your head, "Well, you have probably heard of us, we're Hydra"
"Hydra?" You repeated

"Yeah, Hydra" He replied

"What do you want that has to do with me?" You asked

"Well, we've got an ally," He started, "He wants you"

"We don't know and we don't care," He replied

"You're going to take me to him?" 


"Then why do you want me?"
"The Avengers"

"Why do you want them?"

"Too many questions, little girl," One of the men interrupted

"How did we get here?" You asked after a long pause

"Well, remember that meeting we had where your team of superheroes wanted to join?" You nodded, "Didn't go well for your team"

"What day is it?"
"It's been three days since the meeting," He replied

How did it happen? 3 days?

"How did they mess up?"
"They didn't" He gave his cigarette a puff and look back at you, "There was a mole, a spy, a person who was working for us. Guess who it was?"

"Fucking Sharon" You mumbled

"Maybe it was her or maybe she wasn't," He replied but winked.

That's the typical answer you give to someone when they're right You thought

"Your secret failed and, we captured them, but only because our ally wanted them alive, if it had been for us, we would've killed them the minute we saw them,"

"Who's your ally?"

"He wants to stay anonymous,"

"Where are they?"
"Not too far away but, don't you worry, you will see them again," He smiled, "In hell"
"Fuck you" You spat in his face.


"Oh, baby, you shouldn't have done that," He stoop up from where he sat and walked to you with a mischievous look on his face, but it wasn't like Loki's type of looks. His facial expression alarmed you because you had already seen it. But, at that time, someone was there to save you. Now, you were alone.

He walked to you and looked at his colleges, they nodded and left the room, leaving you handcuffed to the sofa alone with him.

He stood in front of you and slapped you, you tried not to groan or make any sound that could benefit him. He smirked and slapped you again, and again.

By the time he stopped, your face was covered in blood and your eyes filled with tears.

But you knew this wasn't over. It had barely begun.

"Come on, girl, let's see what magic you can do," He whispered in your ear.

You whimpered silently and closed your eyes shut. He tried moving you since you were in a "ball" position (your hands on your knees). But he didn't succeed easily.

"Come on, baby, don't be afraid," You didn't move and tears fell from your eyes.

"Come on!" He said this time more anxious, "MOVE!" He slapped you so hard you fell from the sofa, but your hands were still tied up there.

He sat on top of you, not allowing you to move. He smirked, but not the pretty way of smirking, his smirk was scary, terrifying. 

He looked you up and down and up and down, and down for a little longer, then he looked down to himself. 

He took his pants off. You stepped as back as you could. But, he still moved to you and took off your pants (after minutes of trying).

You started pushing him with your legs but instead, he grabbed them and opened them wide.

You still tried to push him away in any way possible, when you realized you couldn't escape, you started screaming and yelling.

"GET OFF ME!" You yelled

"Now... why would I?" He said calmly. But his eyes reflected desire and everything but calmness.

Without previous warning, he penetrated you. Making you shriek in pain, but, unlike with Loki, as he kept on thrusting, it didn't stop hurting.

"STOP!" You kept on screaming.


"You're a whore" He said buckling up his pants, and then, he left.

Just like that, you were now traumatized for the rest of your life. You wanted to kill him so bad. But, you were still tied up.

Tears couldn't stop falling from your eyes. You were angry.

"He's here" The same men came in the room to find you naked on the floor, "Put some clothes on you slut!"

They threw at you the same clothes you were wearing before and you quickly put them on. You were embarrassed, ashamed, and angry.

"He's here, our ally," He repeated

"Good for him," You said wiping off your tears and recomposing your posture

"He will take you to the boss," He said, "He's the one that wants you"

"What are you waiting for? Take me to him!" You exclaimed, "It's not like it could be worse than now"

"Get ready"

Author's note


Teenage love [Loki x female reader]Where stories live. Discover now