The truth and search 🤯

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Whatever happened between me and anirudh that night , probably ended our relationship. I did said so many things to him and Maybe that's how our story had been written, I wondered if he would be still there for me but it was the end, perhaps it had to be end like that, I never expected it . But my heart wasn't ready to accept it. Why? And If I would be honest anirudh, you were my first love. My one and only true love. Wasn't it written all over my face?. I loved you like you loved me, like something pure in holy. like something that can never be replaced. I know it inside my heart forever will, forever be ours. But why? Why do I still love you to that extent even after knowing the truth? Why my heart wasn't accepting that all? Maybe I was wrong? Maybe I said too much in my agression or disappointment. But the truth was that I expected him to be true with myself, it didn't matter if it was dangerous. I had chosen him. If I'd be afraid of that, I would never choose him over my life. Didn't he know that? When I chose him , I let all dangerous stuffs came into my life because I didn't care about anything but I loved him. My life wasn't the matter, I just wanted him to be my side forever, in every low moment. I wanted him to tell me everything. I didn't wanted any secret's between us but unfortunately things made everything even more worse and it made us apart from each other and here we were now. 

After a week I left for the St Peter's, all I had in my mind was  "Carli city". I've to go there, I thought.
When I reached. I came into my room, I met with Aesha. I told her about Carli city and I asked her to join me for " Carli city".

" I'm sorry bondita, actually I can't accompany you because I had promised my dad to help him out with home stuffs"   she said, not wanting to see my reaction as if I was so hurt.

" Well, it's okay. I'll manage" , I said.

" Hey, you can ask nivan. He won't deny for sure."  , She suggested.

" Yeah. I guess, you're right" 


After sometime, I saw nivan coming towards me.

" How have you been?"  He asked, breathing heavily because of running.

Ignoring his questions I asked him,. " Can we walk around?" 

" Yeah, why not. " 

My mind was somewhere else for a moment, without knowing why?  I asked him ,. " Do you believe in soulmates?" 

" No. Actually, I think there's nothing like soulmates or I just don't believe in that. I believe, the one who can change you into a better person, the one who brings out the best from you is the one for you" 

" Umm.. maybe you're right" , I said.

Watching the situation, I was thinking of how to ask him about going with me. Finally I gained some courage to tell him everything about my dream. 

 He analysed everything that I said,. " So, you wanna go there to check it by yourself?"  

" Yeah, I want to find the truth and the secret " 

" What was the name of that town ? " 

" Carli city"  

" Wait..... I've heard about it from my dad but what was it about?" 

" That's great, would you join me?" 

" Yeah, let's go there maybe we could find something"  , he said

Without wasting anytime, we moved toward the. " Carli city". I have to find out this , Maybe it would lead me to that last sister. I thought.

                                    ( In Carli city)

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