Chapter 4

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*A week before the yule ball*

Hermione, Parvati and I were in the common room chatting while Indi was out feeding Pigwidgeon.

We were bought out of our conversation by said sister rushing in, grabbing both Hermione and I's arms and dragging us off.

"Sorry Parvati, I gotta steal them right now"

"What the hell was that all about?" I asked  as I sat on my bed, Indi closing the door behind us.

"HARRY ASKED ME TO THE DANCE!" I screamed excitedly.

"He what?!" hermione asked "When?"

"Just now, in the owlery" she replied still flustered.

"Finally, took him long enough" I  exclaimed with a smile on my face.

"We have to go dress shopping tomorrow" Hermione said.

"Yess" I replied.

"Anyway, enough about me" Indi smirked.  "Hermione, I heard Krum asked you."

"Y-yeah" she replied, cheeks darkening.

"And you sis, got anyone?" Indi asked.

"I said yes to Sparrow" I said.

"Sparrow?" Hermione asked. "After Jack Sparrow?"

"Yep" I replied. "He reminds me of Jack Sparrow."

"Fair enough" they both replied.

"So is there anything between the two of you?" Indi asked.

"God no, were just good friends" I replied.

"You never know, you might end up with him~"

Yes I do because I'm already with someone~


*Your outfit*

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*Your outfit*

The three of us walked into the dress show, eyes almost exploding at all the different clashes of colours. I think I got a bloody migraine.

"Divide and conquer? Meet at changing rooms in 10?" I said and they laughed, nodding and splitting up.

I roamed the isles, looking at all the different colours.

Lavender? No thanks.

Yellow? *gag noise* definitely not.

Huh that's not bad...


I held the dress in my hands, seeing Indi and Hermione holding dresses in front of the changing rooms.

Me and My Other Halves ~ Book 2 (Draco Malfoy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now