Years on the Surface (Chapter 1)

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(y/n) = your name

(f/c) = favortie color

(e/c) = eye color

(h/c) = hair color


You've spent years on the surface. You've gotten accustomed to life on the surface. You live by yourself. But you're not alone. You have friends that have came with you to the surface. The most interesting one being Frisk. She was a human like you, who fell into the Underground. She has become a close friend of yours, may even say your best friend. But over these years, she seemed that her being near you was a need, not a want. You shrugged off the thought. You've started school and just got off winter break. "Ugh.... winter break is already over?" you asked. "Welp, let's get ready. After, gotta make a good first impression." you say, walking over to the bathroom. After you get ready, you see Frisk at the  bus stop. "Hey (y/n), you ready to go back to school?" She asked with a grin on her face. Whenever you see her, you feel safe. "You bet. Hope we don't get bullied this time." you sighed. Every school you and Frisk went to, you've got bullied. With the Skeleton Bros, you've learned to use magic but you can't show it off yet. "I just wished you used your powers. We could get out of a lot of situations." Frisk said, nudging you on the shoulder. "You know I can't do that Frisk." you say, nudging her back. As you get on the bus there are a lot of girls staring at you. "Let's sit in the back, shall we?" Frisk said, pushing me along. "Uh... sure." I said.

Frisk POV

A lot of these girls were staring at (y/n). How dare they! (y/n) is mine and mine only! "Frisk, come on!" (y/n) called, patting the seat next to him. Just as I was about to sit down, a girl took my spot. "Hey, I think your in my seat." I said, a little irratied. "Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" "Ok then, be that way!" I said. I turned around and sat in the seat next to me. I was going to slice their head off. How dare they sit next to (y/n)! "Anyways, you're name is (y/n) right, my name is Maren. How about you have lunch with me today? she said. "Uh..... as long as I can bring Frisk along, sure." (y/n) said. "Ok then." 

(Time Skip to Lunch)


You get tackled by someone. You believe it's Frisk but it's actually Maren. "Hey (y/n), you remember what you promised me this morning." she said. "No I didn't. Let me go get Frisk." You said, walking the other way. "No need I've already got that covered. My girls are taking care of that now. Let's go get lunch!" she said, grabbing your hand. Something about her saying her girls were taking care of it but you shrugged off the thought. No way this girl could harm Frisk, right..... Little did you know, that she wanted to get rid of Frisk to keep her to herself. 

Escape, Reset, Repeat (Yandere Female Frisk x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now