~The pack~

655 19 20

(My motivation is coming back!)

Zak's/Skeppy's pov

hear a beeping annoying noise coming from next to me, I turn to my side and reach for my alarm clock turning it off.

That is really annoying.

I get up and stretches my arm before getting up the I remember that I was going to bad's house today and I get relly excited about it.

How could I forget that!

I thought to myself as I grabs the bags I packed yesterday and loaded them in my car I accidentally tripped over my dog and fall on my face.


I yell and get up and pat my dog that was scared to try to calm him down.

"Sorry pup I wasn't looking" I pet his head calming him down more.

I pick him up and carry him in the car "we're gonna go somewhere cool pups!" I set him down in the backseat trying to get ready for a long drive.

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