62.) A Tiger Siren

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Hey, so this work is to be a lot longer than I originally intended. I was planning for it to be about 75k words, but it's looking like it might be closer to 85k by the time I finish. (Yay, I'm finally in the target window for YA fantasy.)  That means the window of finishing it will be a lot longer. I'm going to try to rectify that by resuming a Monday/ Friday updating schedule. I'm also going to try to make chapters longer. Anyway, enjoy! 

Castor shook me awake.

"It's your turn."

I blinked in the light. My hands ached. I didn't want to row again, but that didn't matter. I took the oars.

I sat up straight, forcing myself to push us along with strong, even strokes. I wasn't a pirate because I couldn't handle a single dingy.

"You think she'll really be here?"

I nodded. He seemed to be overtaken by a nervous energy. It made me a tired just to watch him, hand fidgeting. He needed to sleep now, but I knew he wouldn't. If it were Ryan waiting for me, I wouldn't be sleeping. But I'd also be swimming, with Castor safe on land somewhere.

It seemed so limiting to be human, with no mix of anything else. But not so long ago, I would've been fully human in the blink of an eye. I took a deep breath.

I was about to make Castor row again when I saw the island. Made up of rough stones and high cliff faces, the island was inhospitable in every sense. Castor turned and looked. As soon as we could see the sand, Castor was out of the boat, rushing through the water. I rowed in until the boat wouldn't go any farther, watching him rush up the shore. I got out, pulling the boat on shore. The beach couldn't have been more than 6 feet from the ocean to the bluff. It would be totally gone when the tide came up.

"She's not here. We need to row around the island."

Castor nodded, his face somewhere between desperation and elation.

"You really like her, don't you?"

"I think so."

That was it, he was totally in love. More than he ever had been with me. Maybe he had known deep down we weren't meant for each other.

I missed Ryan.

I turned back to the sea. I got back in the boat. I left Castor to row, not that he seemed to mind. Not that he would've minded anything at that moment. He wasn't in the boat with me. I didn't know quite where his mind was, but a part of me wished I was there too.

I saw something. A cave. A siren's cave, with the opening underwater. The only indication it was there at all was an opening in the top, allowing for natural night. It would be perfect for anyone needing to regroup. Fish probably swam in, making for quick food.

I touched Castor's shoulder.

"Over there!"

I pointed, and he followed my finger. He rowed us over, with quick, short strokes.

"How do we get in?"

"We? I should go in alone. We don't know how thick the entrance is."

"No chance. I'm coming."

"Castor, I'm not going to let you drown for some stupid heroism."

"You don't get to decide that for me."

I looked at him. "Fine."

I hated when people were in love. It made them stupid, it made them reckless. I took a deep breath. Now I could have to make sure Castor didn't drown.

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