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Blue POV
Aunt Hilda was astral projecting to check on the baby and I smiled when she reported a healthy baby despite the fact that I'm on a very dangerous mission not even twenty minutes ago I killed one of Judas' boys that was wearing glamour to look like Blackwood, I had no mercy for him since he turned on Ambrose when he needed them the most in that chamber.

As Me and Prudence we're getting the map ready after I suggested a blood spell, Ambrose came up behind me kissing me. " Love, it's Blood magic not sex magic " I told him softly causing him to chuckle. The blood spell led us Scotland where we found Blackwood and me and Prudence slit his throat at the same time. " I think this one will do " I say just in time as all three of us delivered Blackwood at the feet of Sabrina and Aunties bowed at once as did everyone else at the presence of both Sabrina and I.

" I hope running Hell by yourself wasn't too treacherous " I say and Sabrina bowed and shook her head no and I bowed to her as well. I then explained how The Old Ones were soon returning to reclaim the earth. " My love relax, it's a living doll spell, the twins won't feel hunger, need to sleep, or pain " Ambrose explained but it wasn't the twins I was worried about.

" I'll Keep you safe my love " he kissed my neck. I turn to him and held him. " you promise ?" I asked him. " I promise love " he gives me a kiss and I sigh " Sabrina may lose her seat in hell and I'm next in line yeast Calliban try not to use the fact that I'm pregnant against me " I say and Ambrose holds me, as he should. I needed this.

* The Next Day *

I sat in the den of our home while Ambrose was off at the academy. " you must go to riverdale, the crown is there in a tree love, I must stay behind, I've been running around the world recently " I say and Ambrose kisses me. " You know where the relics are, it's clear you're more powerful than Sabrina, why are you playing Coy ?" Milas asked as Ambrose marched to the spellman house. " I'm pregnant, I'll do what I can to help but neither me nor Sabrina really want the throne, we don't want Calliban to wreack Havoc on Earth, Especially Greendale, this is our life, and who know if he'll spare ours " I said rubbing my stomach.

" Have you thought of any names?" he asked and I smiled and nodded. " Ambrose and I decided to name her Greyson " I smiled and she kicked, usually she only does it with Ambrose but she's been more active lately since our return home. We were in more trouble than ever with no powers and then the weird freaks from the carnival toiled with our moon so we came back to the academy only for us to be attacked and threatened but them again.

" as dangerous as it may be we have to free the dark lord" I say as Ambrose came back to my side. " your majesty" I heard when I was left outside the doors with a screaming nick. " now everyone's knows that you and Sabrina are the queens of hell" Lilith says and I hold and run my stomach. " sorry but I can't, not right now" Sabrina says and I sigh. " I'll do it" I step up and Ambrose goes to reject but I glare at him. " one of us must step up and I'm tired of y'all treating my pregnancy like a disability so challenge a fucking ceppted" I say and Ambrose groans. " Sabrina would have tooken the bait" Ambrose pulls me aside.

" yeah well I didn't have to be talked into saving my coven so there's that, you don't have faith in me, you don't have to help, but you do have to kiss me and think of me forever and when it's take take me now into your heart " I whispered before grabbing ahold of his face and breathing everything I've lived into me. Opening my eyes I saw that the spell worked, I now reside in Ambrose's heart. I cast a living doll on myself so that Greyson could continue to grow and while im ' gone ' Ambrose will miss me very much I can see that he's started already as images and memories of me and him began to flood his heart, not on purpose he couldn't help it. I sit down and prepare for the wild ride me and Sabrina were about to be on.

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