Chapter 7

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After countless missed calls, Jiale was able to get a hold of Dayong. He said that he was on his way and that he wouldn't be far off. The call ended as soon as it began and Jiale relayed the information.

Sighing in relief, Weichi felt a little lighter, but still had a gut-wrenching feeling of negativity. As if, Dachi's words were going to falter and fail. They went on ahead to check in and took their place on their side of the court before the matches were to begin.

They waited a little longer and Dayong wasn't present. He was still nowhere to be found. As if on cue, Coach Qi Na's phone rang and most were surprised that it was Dayong who was calling.

"Maybe he's helping a pregnant lady to the hospital," Lu Xia suggested nonchalantly. Everyone's heads turned in his direction, looking as if they snapped their necks.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Lu Xia. You're the only one who uses that excuse," Jiale pointed out.

Coach Qi Na came back and said, "He said he had run into a pregnant lady and is taking her to the hospital."

Weichi looked at Lu Xia in bewilderment as he sat straight, finding his teammates and friend's eyes staring down at him. "I'm not the only one who uses it," he defended.

"No," Weichi stated, catching the other's attention.

"He doesn't lie. I picked up on that when we started hanging out. He might beat around the bush, but he won't lie," she argued.

Some of the others nodded in agreement. Finding this to be a time of true desperation, Qiao Chen stood up and stood tall in front of Coach Qi Na.

"I'll go look for him. If anything, I could take his place while he comes over to do his match," he suggested. Before anyone else could argue against him, he was running off.

Weichi knew how worried Jiale was. She felt the same. They could only hope for the best as they waited for Qiao Chen to come back with bad news or for Dachi to come back to play his match... 

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