Chapter 2

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When the next day came, the siblings woke from their slumber and began getting ready. It was the day before their match against Xi Yao. Weichi was hanging out with the others, mainly chatting with her brother or Dachi. Though, most of the time earlier was used up practicing. She noticed how her brother would glance at Lu Xia a bit more than the others and concluded that he would be picked as the successor of her brother.

Weichi glanced over at Dayong and realized how much he's grown since she first met him. He used to be so shy and now he was the vice-captain. Not only that, but he was part of the Golden Partners. That was something big and grand for him. She realized she was staring at him a little too much and turned away with a blush on her cheeks.

She thought that no one else had seen, but a certain genius had caught a glimpse of the girl's antics. He decided to keep that as a little blackmail for later. For now, he would let her be and go on about his merry way.

Weichi excused herself as she went ahead to find the bathroom. She was wandering the school grounds when a group of girls blocked her way...

"May I help you?" Weichi asked. The girls seemed to have looks of distaste and disgust at Weichi's kind words. One of them, what would be guessed as the leader, had harshly shoved Weichi to the ground.

She fell with a loud thud as she yelped at the sudden force that pushed her. She looked up, her face holding a look of surprise and slight fear. The girls had nasty smirks that held the idea that things weren't going to look great for Weichi.

"Stay away from Senior Siyang! He's mine!" the girl screeched. Weichi was confused. Stay away from her brother? What was it with people thinking that she was dating him!?!?

She stood up, brushing her skirt off of the dirt that had fallen onto it before clearing her throat as she tried clearing things up, "I'm not dating him if that's what you think. We are siblings. You know, blood related?"

The girl's cheeks lit up in a light rosy hue before bowing as she left, a faint apology being said as the girls soon disappeared without a trace. 

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