Chapter 5: Risk it all, A Gamblers choice

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Its been a few hours since Lucas and Mei and Kai left Zhor to head to Linbei, as they were walking Mei started to speak

Mei- So Kai, why were you in prison?

Kai- Uhhhh well I don't really remember, I passed out one minute and the next I was in prison. I was in there for quite a while

Lucas- Really? That sounds like a lie to me

Kai- Believe it or don't I'm just glad that I can finally move freely and I'm not locked up in there anymore

Lucas listened to Kai and then Lucas started to think to himself. Lucas then looked at Kai and asked

Lucas- Hey Kai I meant to ask, how are you able to hear Ragna?

Mei- Oh yea, usually nobody can really see or hear Ragna, how can you?

Kai- I don't know I guess I just have really good hearing

Mei- That doesn't make any sense

Lucas- No it doesn't

Kai shrugged his shoulders and didn't even think about it afterwards

Mei- Lucas do you think Kai has a high sense of Resonance?

Lucas- It could be

Kai- Resonance? What's that?

Lucas- It's a spiritual power that allows you to use magic or even see the un seeable, which is why we are confused as to how you are able to hear Ragna but not able to see him.

Kai- Who knows

As the four continued walking they stop to see that a sign is put up which reads "Road blocked" meaning they can't get to Linbei the way they thought they could

Lucas- What the, its closed off

Mei- Is this the only route to Linbei?

Kai- Actually there is another route but it might take a while for us to get to Linbei

Mei- Well then lets go I'm ready for the adventure

Kai- Right

Lucas- Don't use up all of your energy Mei. Kai lead the way

And so Lucas and Mei followed Kai into the woods, then Kai started to speak

Kai- There is a village near by named Tanka village we could ask around to see about the other route

Lucas and Mei continued to follow Kai, a few hours later they end up in a little village where there were only a few houses and a little bit of people

Lucas and Mei continued to follow Kai, a few hours later they end up in a little village where there were only a few houses and a little bit of people

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