Chapter 12: Growing Strong- A Rising Dragon

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As the gang were going over the plan with Vera, Ioder had some questions to understand how to go through with the plan.

Ioder- I'm sorry we aren't all going to be storming the front gates?

Vera- Nope some of us will be storming the front gates while others will be doing an aerial assault. Dagger won't expect it and we can see if he has any tricks up his sleeve. Once the barrier is down that's when the fight will begin

Kai- So if we can get above the castle,

Lance- We can send an attack or take care of any problems that might occur

Vera- Correct

Ioder- But how will we get above the castle?

Akeydo- With the blimp of course. Wouldn't that work?

Lucas- Hmmm, I don't think we should use the blimp for this

Mei- How come?

Lucas- Well if we use the blimp Dagger will notice, it's pretty noticeable and it makes too much noise, he would figure out what we are doing or just attack the blimp himself

Vera- Lucas is right, besides we won't need the blimp, Banji will have a portal ready for us to get there. Dagger is smart so we only have one shot to catch him by surprise

Lance- Well then if we aren't taking the blimp, is there anything else that could help us?

Everyone started thinking a little bit then Vera looked at Kai and did a double take realizing that he might be the key for a surprise attack

Vera- You know it just occurred to me that you have a dragon on your team

Kai looked confused when she said that

Kai- Ye-yea what about me?

Lance- That might actually work

Akeydo- What will?

Lucas- It might work but, will it work?

Kai- What will?

Vera- That's if he's ready for that type of training


Lucas- Kai we might be able to catch Dagger off guard with an Aerial assault if you turn into a dragon

Kai- Why would that work?

Vera- Dagger is preparing to fight us, if we were to use the blimp that wouldn't help us because then he would just bring it down fast. However if you were to turn into a dragon, Dagger will never suspect it and it will make him think carefully of his next actions and the rest of the group can charge right in while they are too focused on you

Mei- Oh I get it Dagger would be distracted because he's never seen Kai turn into a dragon before, so when he sees it it will throw him off his game

Kai- Huh, I mean I guess it could work but I've never turn into a dragon willingly

Akeydo- Awwwwww man I wanted to see you transform

Kai- I won't be able to, my old man said that there's something I'm missing within my self

Kuro- Well it could be that your Dragon side doesn't deem you worthy of his powers

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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