Chapter 7b: Determination- To avenge the clan

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The gang were together waiting to see who was next up to do the tube training, Kuro then speaks up and starts to see who wanted to go next

Kuro- Alright who's next

Akeydo then walked up to answer

Akeydo- It's my turn to get stronger now

Lance- Yea because lord knows you aren't strong at all

Akeydo- Oh shut up you bitch

Lance- You are one as well, the truth hurts

Vera- Just get in

So then Akeydo hopped in the tube and Vera attached the wires to the tube again and the monitor shows up and then Vera put Akeydo to sleep. A few minutes later Akeydo wakes up in a deserted town with a huge castle in the middle of the town then Akeydo smiled got up

 A few minutes later Akeydo wakes up in a deserted town with a huge castle in the middle of the town then Akeydo smiled got up

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Akeydo- Yea I sorta figured this is where I would end up, haven't seen home in a while

The gang looked confused as to where Akeydo had ended up

Mei- Where did Akeydo end up?

Vera- It says he ended up in his home town, I think that castle is where he lives

Kai- He's Rich?

Mei- How come Akeydo hasn't mentioned this before?

Lance- Well it's not like you would be able to hear him say it anyway, the only thing that comes out of his mouth is bravado talk

Lucas then was wondering about what Akeydo had said before

Lucas- What if he is in that Clan? The one Akeydo mentioned before during the card game?

Kai- Oh yea it was some clan name, what was it again?

Lucas- I think it was called the Sekai

Kuro- The Sekai clan? Akeydo is apart of that clan?

Lucas- Kuro, do you know who they are?

Vera- They are an infamous assassin clan, they are known for killing their targets whoever they are innocent or evil, if the Sekai put a mark on you it's all over

Kai- So that makes Akeydo an assassin?

Lance- A very bad one at most

Vera- Let's just keep watching

They all look at the monitor again to watch Akeydo. They saw Akeydo at the front gate inside looking at the huge tower Akeydo starts to smile for a little bit, but then he stops smiling and starts to speak

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