Chapter 9: Stories untold- Daggers Origin

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We see Dagger sitting in local bar and he started to reminisce about his past, Dagger thought about his first encounter with Caster and Nadia. Dagger was a young child hiding in an abandoned hut until Caster and Nadia found him

Nadia- Found you, you little twerp

Dagger- L-leave me alone, I want to go home

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Dagger- L-leave me alone, I want to go home

Then Caster came and started to speak

Caster- But Leo you are home now

Leo- No I wan't my mom and dad, I want my family

Nadia- It appears he isn't fully adjusted to the change

Caster had walked up to Leo and had kneeled to him so he can talk to him face to face

Caster- Leo, you are now part of a large organization, you have to accept that your parents did. They understood that i can take care of you and that they no longer want you in their life

Leo- That's a lie they are my family they will find me

Caster- If that was true why did they abandon you ad told me that they didn't want you because you have no magical abilities

Leo- THAT'S A LIE!!!!!!!!!

Caster- You were not born with magical abilities, you aren't fit to use it. However you won't need to use it once I'm through training you.

Nadia- C-Caster

Leo- What do you mean?

Caster- I will train you so you won't need to rely on magic and you can prove your family wrong. I will make you into a new person.

Leo's face had changed once Caster had said that

Caster- From now on your new name will be Dagger, you are now apart of my family

Dagger had smiled a little and then we go back to Dagger in the local bar and then Presa showed up

Presa- Dagger, what's on your mind?

Dagger- Nothing really... Did you find it?

Presa- Yes I did

Presa had took out a piece of paper and handed it to Dagger

Presa- You will find her at the temple of Uniéo

Dagger- Perfect... Keep trying to find Caster this won't take long

Presa-  How are you going to get there?

Dagger- That is none of your concern

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