Chapter 6: An escape plan. A Family Reuninon

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As Lucas sees that they are about to get to the prison Island, Akeydo looks at Lucas with a look of worry

Akeydo- Lucas is everything alright?

Lucas- My friend is on that Island... Kuro please be alright

The boat gets to the Island and everybody gets off Lucas, Kai, Mei, and Akeydo all looked at the prison and they all the same thing that the prison was really big

Mei- Wow I can't believe that this place even exists

Akeydo- I don't like the look of this place, Lucas are you sure your friend is here?

Lucas- Yes I'm sure he's here. He has to be

Kai- Well then let's figure out a plan to find him. But first let's follow the group so we don't look suspicious

Lucas- Right

Lucas and the others follow the group about to start the tour. All of the guards line up to greet their guests even the warden, the warden walks up to the guests and starts to speak

Warden- Greetings everyone my name is Lei wusan, I will be your chaperone and give you the tour of our amazing prison, you will be shown our best facilities and most of our prisoners. I have to warn you most of the prisoners might try to use magic on you to let them go don't worry you are perfectly safe, in this prison no body can use any magic or anything out of the ordinary because we have a special machine in the prison that takes away their magic so all they can do is beg

Lucas thought to himself

Lucas-* So magic is out of the question for breaking him out damn it. We'll need another plan

Akeydo had walked to Lucas and so did the others

Akeydo- So what's the plan here Lucas?

Kai- How should we go about this?

Lucas- Well first we need to find Kuro and see where he is being kept

Mei- Alright sounds good, what does he look like we can help find him

Lucas- It's best that I actually find him, sorry but if you find him first he won't believe that you are here to help me

Akeydo- Sounds right

The tour had finally started and everyone was following the man Lei and as they walked in they were also greeted by the head of the prison

Lei- Oh ma'am I was not expecting to see you on this tour, everyone this great woman here is the one who runs this entire prison meet Lady Aguila

Lei- Oh ma'am I was not expecting to see you on this tour, everyone this great woman here is the one who runs this entire prison meet Lady Aguila

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