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The next day, I lingered in my room all day. I didn't want to face my father and hear his criticisms about how late I came in the night before. Even still, it's not like I even drank anything, someone had to drive Sasha's wasted ass home. All-day, I have been trying to find information on this Eren Jaeger dude, but there's been no luck. It's as if the ground swallowed him, and he was just an image in one of my dreams. I took out my laptop and began studying for finals next week, if I didn't study I would completely fail them.

My stomach growls, making me groan. Great, another downstairs trip. Like yesterday, I rushed downstairs to raid my pantry. As I rummaged through the food options, I decided to get a lot so I wouldn't have to come back out. Once I exited the kitchen, I made my way to the stairs but stopped in my tracks seeing a figure in a black hoodie, and jeans waiting beside the stairs. My eyes grew seeing him, what the hell is he doing here?!

"Eren?!" I say and he turns to me, his expression filled with confusion, and shock.

"Who are you- Oh you don't have your glasses on. What're you doing here? Should've known you were a rich, stuck-up girl when I saw you," He smirks with a bored tone and I stare at him in disbelief. Who the hell did he think he was?

"Me? You idiot, I live here. I should be asking you that. And if anyone looks stuck-up, it's you," I snap at him and he scratches the back of his head.

"Reyes is your dad?" He asks walking towards me, and my eyes widen backing away from him.

"I'm Amelia Reyes, what the hell are you doing in my house?!" I ask frantically desperate for an answer from him.

"Easy princess, I do your daddy's dirty work," He shrugs making me clench my teeth.

"Well, may I say, you're a dumbass for that," I cross my hands across my chest and he tilts his head.

"You aren't wrong. But I have to get money somehow love," He yawns walking closer to me.

"Your father wants me to go on this business run, but I couldn't find him. He's always making reckless decisions, but I don't give a damn what he does, " Eren explains and I frown.

"That makes two of us," I sigh.

"See you later, Amelia," He closes his eyes before walking out of my house giving me a small salute. The salute was quite cute. My heartbeat was racing just being near Eren, and the thrill of being near someone mysterious and closed off made excitement linger through my body. Wait, I have to talk to him more. I turn on my heel and run to open the front door, I see him getting into his red sports car, almost like mine, and he turned his head to look at me. He gave me a questioning expression, and I huff.

"What are you doing later tonight Eren?" I ask putting my hair up in a messy ponytail. Eren looked at me shocked.

"Now now my little kitten, why would you want to hang out with the big bad wolf?" He places his hands in his pocket and smirks.

"I-I don't know. I'm curious," I responded bluntly.

"I'm the bad guy, kitten," He says sternly.

"Don't call me a kitten," I glare at him, "And how bad could you be? I live with my father, doesn't get more dangerous than that."

"Sure darling, now if you excuse me, I have some business to take care of. Bye bye," He gives me a little salute with his hand before driving off. Eren Jaeger left me there, craving more information from him. Just who the hell is he? I asked myself.

"Amelia, what are you doing outside?" My father's stern voice says and I turn around frowning.

"Who's Eren Jaeger," I ask straight up.

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