Chapter 8.

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It had been a month since everything with Sasha happened, Eren was MIA during this month. After that day where we both watched the city view, I never saw him again. Of course I asked around for him, but no one knew where he was. While Eren was MIA, so was I. I stopped going out with my friends, stopped answering texts or calls as well. I lost Sasha and Eren all in one day. Not that I ever had Eren, but I felt alive and free whenever I was with him. I missed him, I really did miss him.

Jaxon came over every day, he made me smile and helped me get my mind off of little forest green eyes dancing in my head. He knew we were just friends and never overstepped boundaries, that's what I loved about Jaxon.

"Hey pumpkin," Jaxon said coming into my room.

"How'd you get in?" I ask and he chuckled.

"The guy downstairs," Jaxon shrugged and I nodded.

"Did you miss me?"He smirked and I laughed.

"Maybe a little," I give him a daring smile and he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up only to spin me.

"Put me down dumb ass!" I plead, getting nauseous and he chuckles setting me down.

"If I throw up on you one day, you know who's to blame," I warn and he just chuckles kissing my cheek.

Jaxon's POV

I knew Amelia and I were just friends, but I felt my heartache for her with every smile she brought upon me. I finally understand now why Eren was always around her, the way she makes you feel welcomed and loved, was just so unique. I was struggling to wrap my head around the fact Eren left her like this. He's been gone for a whole month and a couple of days. He always does this, but Amelia deserved an explanation from him at least. Of course, Eren being Eren, he left without giving her one.

"So she's special then?" I asked Eren chuckling, passing him the blunt.

"Not at all, I'm on a mission, and I'm not gonna let some girl ruin things for me in the mafia," He rolled his eyes at me and I stared at him in disbelief.

"But you just said she made you feel some type of way," I question him and he waved me off.

"She does. So stay away from her, and don't even think about coming near her. I just don't like the idea of being serious with anyone. I don't know how she makes me feel, I've never felt this way," Eren surprisingly confessed to me.

"That's not fair to her though Eren," I state and he frowns.

"I know. But you know what my mission is, feelings can't get in the way or I won't be at the top of the mafia. I just have to finish this mission, and I finally get to overpass her father, and then I'll be sitting on the throne."

"Your dad would be happy seeing you at the top."

"Well, I'm not doing it for him Jax, I'm doing it for my mom," Eren sighs and I nod.

"I just wish it wasn't Amelia. Anyone but her, her best friend already betrayed her, now I have to do it too," Eren buried his head in his hands.

"Sorry man, so, she is special," I say again.

"She is," Eren finally confesses and I nod as he hands me the blunt.

Amelia finally snapped me out of my gaze and I frowned at her.

"Amelia?" I ask her and she hummed.

"What are your feelings for Eren?" I ask her and her eyes widened. She stayed quiet for a good minute, trying to gather her thoughts I'm guessing.

"I don't know...He's special to me. But in the long run, I feel like he and I won't have a happy ending. Take now, for example, he just left without an explanation," She frowns and I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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